Todd, a client of yours in Hartford, Connecticut, calls you up one day and says, “As you know, I am an electrician who specializes in the installation of electricity in newly constructed commercial buildings as well as in private homes.

Todd, a client of yours in Hartford, Connecticut, calls you up one day and says, “As you know, I am an electrician who specializes in the installation of electricity in newly constructed commercial buildings as well as in private homes. I’m thinking of inserting a provision in all of my contracts that requires any dispute to first be mediated and then, if that doesn’t work, to be arbitrated by an arbitrator who is a member of the American Arbitration Association. However, I’m a little nervous as to whether courts will enforce these sorts of provisions, especially if they’re part of my form contract. Do me a favor: Please let me know what the courts’ attitudes have been towards arbitration and mediation clauses and, in general, what the courts have said about the desirability of using ADR methods to settle disputes.”

Please read the following cases:

Moses H. Cone Mem’l Hosp. v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 460 U.S. 1 (1983) and

AT&T Techs. v. Communs. Workers of Am., 475 U.S. 643 (1985).

Please write a brief letter of about 500 words addressing Todd’srequest. Please use applicable quotes and/or ideas from the two cases above in your letter.

This assignment is NOT an IRAC-based essay assignment; however, please properly support you statements.

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1000 words of essay

please use the simple language write the essay, here is the request

Learning objectives:

1. Conducting research on situated practices of work

2. Connecting situated practices to interfaces, algorithms, and social forces

3. Communicating about science and technology

In Part I, we’ll be working to understand what it is like to work through, on, and for internet platforms. Why work? Play is important but people often have to work to survive, so it is an important place to begin our analysis of the social impacts of the internet industries.

Fieldwork Research

Choose one of two methods: participant-observation or informational interviews. Our goal is to understand how platforms affect work and livelihoods.

Platforms affect a wide range of people, including:

  • People who work through a platform, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, Lyft, Uber, Postmates
  • People whose work heavily depends on a platform, for example, artists on Twitter, headhunters on LinkedIn, social media marketers on Facebook, fashion bloggers on Instagram, resellers on eBay or Craigslist
  • People whose work has been radically changed because of the competition or transformation introduced by a platform, such as taxi drivers, delivery drivers, transcriptionists, pet sitters and walkers.


Are you already one of the kinds of people whose work is affected by platforms? (See bulleted list above.) Or do you want to experience it first hand, like journalist Taylor Soper? Sign up for a platform of your choice. (Warning: It can take several days for platforms to approve you as a worker so start early.)

The living wage for a single adult in San Diego County is $15.01 (source: MIT)

The minimum wage in City of San Diego is $11.50 (source:

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to earn $15.01 an hour for 6 hours of work, after you subtract any expenses — that’s $90.06 net earnings.

As you go, take notes on your experience. You can take selfie videos as an easy way of logging your thoughts, reactions, feelings, frustrations, and insights as you go along.


Identify someone whose work has been affected by platforms (see the bulleted list above).

To get a deep perspective, find someone who has been doing the work for at least six months. The person can be paid or partially unpaid, but they should spend enough time doing the work in question that they can offer you deep insights into the process and the experience.

Before the interview, locate at least three informed sources on this form of work (e.g. long-form journalism, scholarly articles, firsthand accounts). You should spend at least an hour interviewing the person. Record the interview and transcribe the most interesting parts. Include a photo of your interviewee and their workspace, if they give you permission.

Sample interview questions you can draw from | Thomas Conner’s Amazing Interview How-To

Analysis + Deliverables

  • Write a 1000 word reflection on your learnings:
    • Explain the most interesting or surprising aspects of the work
    • Explain any pleasures and frustrations of the job
    • Reflect on how laws, competition by other workers, company policies, and tech or interface design affect the work
    • Put your observations in conversation with at least two readings from the course
    • Woodcock and Waters is one good model of how to reflect and write on work

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education,education policies

The assignment takes the form of a 4,000 words essay. Please choose one of the following questions:

1. In the next two decades non-State actors will have greater importance than State actors in shaping the education policy and practice. Discuss with reference to a country of your choice. Discuss the assumptions underpinning this claim and evidence/ arguments in its support or against it.

2. ‘Currently, in developed societies around the world, education policies are primarily aimed at satisfying the concerns and interests of the middle class’ (Ball 2003:25) Discuss the extent to which this is –and will continue to be- the case with reference to new developments in education and technology OR the involvement of non-state actors in education.

3. ‘What could we expect to be the most significant trends in assessment in the next decade, and why?’ Discuss with reference to a country or area (this may be a stage of education or skills area, for example) of your choice, and/or to international large scale assessments (such as OECD’s PISA).

4.‘In 50 years, the number of institutions delivering higher education will be drastically reduced.’ Sebastian Thrun -Udacity Founder, went as far as saying –not that long ago- that within that time there will be only 10 institutions in the world delivering higher education. Discuss the assumptions underpinning this claim and evidence/ arguments in its support or against it.

5. ‘Within the next 50 years, we will be able to predict individual educational achievement before a child completes year 5’ Discuss the assumptions underpinning this claim and evidence/ arguments in its support or against it.

6. What are the implications of technological developments for a) the traditional notion of meritocracy or the b) link between education and work? Choose one of the two options.

7. What crucial questions about the future of education should we be asking ourselves (but we are not) and why? Discuss with reference to: (a) the purpose of education, (b) the involvement of non-state actors in education (c) education and technology or (d) the future of work, or some other option. [Discuss with the module convenor prior to choosing this option].

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fill these question

that’s i lean form this class

1) Stage 7: Business Intelligence

a) IT Terminology: VPN’s, Databases, Computer Networks, Enterprise Portals

b) Categories of Information Systems

c) Components of Management Information Systems

2) Stage 8: Data-Driven Decision-Making

a) Cognitive Biases

b) Data Strategy and SMART Goals

c) Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

3) Stage 9: Bringing a Product to Market

a) Production Planning

b) Production and Operations Control

c) Quality Improvement and Risk Management

4) Stage 10: Selling to Customers


Distribution Channel


Sales Promotion and Place


Promotional Mix

5) Stage 11: Investing Earnings

a) Dividends and Retained Earnings


Investment Securities


Investing versus Debt Payoff

6) Stage 12: Strategies for Growth


Primary Business Growth Strategies


Stages of Growth


Measuring Growth and Factors that Affect Growth

7) Old Material from Exam 1

a) Stage 1: Ideation

i) Concepts

(1) Background: impact of business on economy/society

(2) Starting/Operating a new business

(a) Entrepreneurship: goals and characteristics

(b) Contributors to successes and failures

(3) Distinctive Competencies

ii) Videos and Other Readings

(1) The Art of Innovation

(2) How to Come up with Hundreds of Business Ideas

b) Stage 2: Corporate Social Responsibility

i) Concepts

(1) Ethics in the workplace Individual ethics and business ethics

(2) Social responsibility / Responsibilities to stakeholders

(3) Trends in ethics and corporate social responsibility

c) Stage 3: Marketing Research and Competitive Analysis

i) Concepts

(1) Marketing strategy: target marketing and market segmentation

(a) 5 P’s: product, price, place, promotion, and people

(2) Marketing research (main types)

(3) Competitive advantage (incl. 4 types: cost, product, service, and niche)

d) Stage 4: Cost Analysis

i) Concepts

(1) Accounting equation

(2) Debits vs. credits

(3) Financial Statements: balance sheets, income statements, budgets

ii) Videos and Other Readings

(1) Will automation take away all our jobs?

e) Stage 5: Funding Opportunities

i) Concepts

(1) Developing a financial plan

(2) Sources of funding

(3) The role of banks in finance

f) Stage 6: Acquiring and Nurturing Talent

i) Concepts

(1) Employee Recruitment

(2) Motivating and Retaining Employees

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