4-5 Page Essay about Mass Incarceration in the U.S.

Essay is a 4-5 page MLA-formatted, argumentative essay that will allow you to think about a focused aspect of the problem of mass incarceration in the US.

This essay requires you to use a minimum of THREE different sources from those I’ve provided and that you’ll find, below. Each body paragraph must include at least TWO pieces of evidence from different texts.

Contents of The Essay:

Introduction: Include necessary context for the debate, logically lead to the main claim providing all necessary information, and should conclude with your main claim. Main Claim: In argumentative essays, you defend focused main claims. They must be arguable

Body Paragraphs:

Subclaims: Each body paragraph must begin with an arguable subclaim that helps to logically and completely support the main claim. Each subclaim must by supported evidence from at least two of our authors; properly embedded paraphrases and quotations with signal phrases, citations, and explanation; and must link back to the main claim.

Counterargument/Rebuttal: Argumentative essays must include counterarguments and your rebuttal. You can devote a whole paragraph to a counterargument and rebuttal.

Conclusion: Your paper should include a conclusion appropriate to a short paper, meaning that, although it should relate back to the main claim.

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