academic summary




the text to your reader. Note the title, author, type of text, and what the text is

about. Remember that your reader may not be familiar with the text, so be as specific as

possible. (1-3 sentences)


Describe the author’s main idea or argument. Refer to the

author by his/her name. Do

not use a direct quote: instead, articulate in your own words what you think the point of

the text is. (1-3 sentences)


Explain how the author supports the main idea or argument. Keep an eye out for how the

author organizes and/o

r divides up the text (are there sub-headings?). Pay attention to

the author’s use of evidence, quotes from experts, examples from history, etc. The author

might also use certain language or literary devices to support an argument. (1-3sentences)



t why you think the author wrote the text. What is the context, or background,

for this topic? Who is the audience? What does the author intend for the audience to take

away from the text?

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