Analyze essay about monesters

Write analyze essay 7-8 pages + work cited page / the theses is I AGREE WITH COHEN’S THESES AND I CHOOSE FIRST, SECOND, AND SIXTH THESES,and I sent summary about them with sample essay.

These are the sources

King Horror Movies.pdf

Science of Monsters Intro.pdf


  • The three sources must be in addition to Cohen’s theses.
  • By using them find
    others who agree with you! Your outside sources should be connected to your
    monsters in that they support your understanding of the monsters you have
  • Including vivid and specific details when describing the monsters you have chosen,
    and tie your examples to Cohen’s theses. (you do NOT have to address all seven
    of his theses, only the ones that apply to your monsters).

    Synthesizing by combing information from
    different sources to inform and support
    a greater understanding of your argument.

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