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3-1 Module Three Short Responses. Read the guidelines and Rubric attached for instructions. 

HIS 200 Module Three Short Response Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with
course content.

Prompt: During the third week of the course, you will respond to several questions in the webtext as you complete each learning block. At the end of Module
Three, you will review your answers to these questions and ensure that you have responded to each question. It is important that you answer each question;
otherwise, the words “[no response]” will appear in brackets when you submit the assignment. The questions and their original locations in the webtext are
listed in this table in case you want to refer back to the reading as you edit, but you can edit your responses to all the questions directly in Module Three:
Communicating Historical Ideas, learning block 3-4 (page 3) in the webtext, before exporting to Word for submission to your instructor in your learning

Module Three: Communicating Historical Ideas, Learning Block 3-1 (page 1):

 Question 1: What types of sources could be used to research the economic impact of the women’s movement? What about for its social impact?
Develop relevant search terms.

Module Three: Communicating Historical Ideas, Learning Block 3-1 (page 3):

 Question 2: Congress held its final vote to approve the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the
success of the women’s suffrage movement?

 Question 3: The National American Woman Suffrage Association supported the U.S. decision to enter World War I and publicly encouraged women to
support the war effort. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the success of the women’s suffrage movement?

Module Three: Communicating Historical Ideas, Learning Block 3-2 (pages 2–3):

 Question 4: Look at this website for information about women’s suffrage at the Library of Congress: Women’s Suffrage. Using the A.R.I.A. criteria,
answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of this website? Is the information on this website easy to locate?
2. Can you use a search box or a navigational menu? How reliable and current is the information presented?
3. Would this website be appropriate to use in a research paper?

 Question 5: Look at this website about the Paycheck Fairness Act: Equal Pay for Equal Work. Using the A.R.I.A. criteria, answer the following questions:
1. Who sponsors this website?
2. Is it easy to navigate and find information?
3. Is it modern looking?
4. How current and accurate is the information on the website?
5. Does it promote a specific opinion or point of view?
6. Would this website be appropriate to use in a research paper?

 Question 6: Accuracy: Are references provided? Does the reference list include other scholarly sources?
– Relevancy: Would this article be useful for a paper examining the similarities between political sentiment in states that granted women the right to

vote before the Nineteenth Amendment? Would it be useful in an essay focusing on the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA), an activist
group based in New York that was dedicated to nationwide woman suffrage?

– Intent: What is the point of this article? Is the author making an argument?
– Authoritativeness: What are the author’s credentials? What about the publication’s?

Module Three: Communicating Historical Ideas, Learning Block 3-3 (page 1):

 Question 7: Building on the keywords you identified in Modules One and Two and the research of secondary sources you have done so far, what
subjects, events, people, and time period are related to the topic you have chosen for your historical analysis essay? Identifying these pieces will be
useful as you search the primary-source databases.

Module Three: Communicating Historical Ideas, Learning Block 3-3 (page 3):

 Question 8:
1. Who (either a single person or an organization) created this poster? Why did this person or organization write it?
2. Who is the intended audience? What methods does the creator(s) use to target this audience? How might the intended audience have

encountered this poster?

 Question 9:
1. Can you detect any biases in this source? What words does the creator use that might point to his or her biases or assumptions?
2. What biases might you bring to your interpretation of the source?

Guidelines for Submission: Your response to Questions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 should be between 2 and 3 sentences in length. Your responses to Questions 4 and 5
should be 1 to 2 paragraphs in length. Follow the instructions at the bottom of Module Three: Communicating Historical Ideas, learning block 3-4 (page 3) in
the webtext to download your work and submit it to your instructor as a single Microsoft Word document uploaded to your learning environment. Refer to the
Submitting Webtext Assignments Guide for assistance on downloading, saving, and submitting this assignment.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

Engagement Written responses completely
address all short answer

Written responses completely
address the majority of short
answer prompts

Written responses address the
minority of short answer

No written responses provided
to address any short answer


Relevance Written responses directly
address short answer prompts,
drawing from presented course
concepts and terminology

Written responses are topically
related to short answer
prompts, but responses do not
consistently draw from
presented course concepts and

Written responses do not
address topics identified in
short answer prompts


Accuracy Written responses are
completely accurate

Written responses contain
minor errors but are mostly

Written responses contain
major errors

No written responses are


Critical Thinking Written responses demonstrate
understanding of course
content through inclusion of
original ideas and examples

Written responses demonstrate
understanding of course
content through reiteration of
provided materials, but do not
consistently include original
ideas and examples

Written responses do not
reflect original ideas and


Articulation of

Written responses are captured
in complete sentences without
grammatical errors impacting
legibility and the clarity of

Written responses are captured
in incomplete sentences or
include numerous grammatical
errors that negatively impact
legibility and the clarity of

No written responses are
captured in complete sentences


Total 100%

  • HIS 200 Module Three Short Response Guidelines and Rubric
    • Rubric

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