Clinical Aspects of Crisis Management

Develop a case scenario that involves a client family experiencing a crisis situation and the context for your work with the family. For example, you might be a Red Cross volunteer during a natural disaster, a community-based clinician responding to school violence or a school tragedy (death of a student or teacher), or you might be a clinician in practice with one of your clients in session who reports being suicidal.

Write 4 page paper that includes the following two parts:

Part I: Introduce your case scenario and the context for your involvement with the family. Discuss how you would respond as the clinician when working with this family. Be sure to include the following:

  • Discuss ways that you develop rapport with clients in crisis.
    • Identify some of the differences you may notice when working with clients who are experiencing a crisis compared to working with clients not experiencing a crisis.
  • Describe the steps you would take when working with a client who presents in a crisis state.
  • What assessments might you use? Discuss the rationale for the assessments.
  • What interventions will you implement as a result of the assessments?
  • What safety plan or next step interventions might be developed with the client family?
  • What are the legal (use your state laws) and ethical implications for the client family as a result of the crisis?
  • Describe some best practices aligned with state and national standards for the MFT discipline that apply to working with families in crisis.
  • Support your ideas with references from peer-reviewed journals. You can also use the textbooks from this course as references; however, they should not be your only references.

Part II: Provide reflections on your thoughts, feelings, and overall reactions to working with the client family from your scenario. As you continue to examine the process of therapy through the lens of the person-of-the-therapist and multicultural diversity, include in your reflections how your own experiences in your family and various dimensions of your culture (such as religion, gender, or ethnicity) inform your reactions to this particular issue.

Assignment Requirements

To achieve a successful assignment experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication:Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Document format: Write your paper using Microsoft Word, not Works or Word Perfect.
  • Length of paper: 4 page typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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