Consider the resume content and organization, assignment help

please provide feedback to at least two classmates. When providing feedback, please ignore issues of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Instead, focus on addressing the following, more global, areas:

1) Consider the resume content and organization. In what ways does the resume highlight education, jobs, experiences? Where might the resume need to be re-organized to better call attention to education, jobs, skills, and/or experiences?

2) Consider the overall design of the resume. In what ways are the principles of design (C.R.A.P.) being considered? Where might design improve? How might design help to highlight important aspects of the resume?

classmate 1.I chose to create a chronological resume, and the resume is for international student who want to apply for North American jobs. Also, the chronological approach is the most common in scientific and technical fields. At the top of the page, my name is spelled as it appears on the passport. Because I am an international student, so I list job-related coursework, a high school to signal a country, and my natural language.

classmate 2.I created a chronological resume because I am pursuing a job in business and it includes my work experience first which I believe an employer pays great attention to. Therefore, if it is the first thing they see it can help. I organized it with the main points being bold and centered. Next I elaborated on each main point with bullet points to discuss a little about my strengths.

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