Current views, social media, recruitment and selection.

Make sure to include a reference citation in APA format so others may also look up your article. Points assigned as extra credit will vary based on quality and quantity of work devoted to this assignment by each respective student. I will evaluate the information shared at the end of the course and assign extra credit accordingly.

1. Review the question below and research this topic. Answer the following posed question with the support of peer reviewed research:

What are the current views on social media and recruitment and selection? Are these views any different between recruiters, employers, job candidates? How do rights to privacy enter into the debate of its use?

Make sure to include a reference citation in APA format so others may also look up your article. Points assigned as extra credit will vary based on quality and quantity of work devoted to this assignment by each respective student. I will evaluate the information shared at the end of the course and assign extra credit accordingly.

2. Workforce Planning & Staffing Current Events & Best Practices

This is an extra credit opportunity for you to share with the class through the Discussion Board current events , websites, or stories related to the course topics . As one method to improve student participation (and also earn extra credit), I am launching this extra credit forum for you to post any reliable or researched event, information, article related to this course. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE THE FULL ARTICLE if sharing an article. Rather, summarize the article and discuss relevant applications and/or provide the reference information. Make sure to include a reference citation in APA format so others may also look up your article.

I will evaluate the information shared at the end of the course and assign extra credit accordingly.

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