Difference Between Valuing and Managing Diversity Discussion Questions


Title: Understanding Diversity

Purpose: To reflect on our own understanding of diversity.

Resources: This essay is a reflection exercise.

Activity Instructions:

complete this activity. You have learned about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your skill in these areas.

Answer the questions below in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences (i.e., a complete paragraph) that answer each of the posed thought-provoking discussions.

Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Remember to cite properly in-text (Author, YEAR) and at the end of your reflection with a fully formatted APA reference.

I have provided you with a template where these questions are already entered. All you need to do is enter your own information by typing it right into the template.


I have provided you with a template where these questions are already entered. All you need to do is enter your own information by typing it right into the template.

Integrating and Citing Sources in Essays

Examples of Integrating and Citing Sources in Your Essay
Examples of an in-text citation:
According to Social Information Processing Theory, senders of the message utilize a variety of options, such as timing, style, and verbiage content to create as favorable interaction environment as possible (Walther, 1992).
Social presence spans a variety of contexts, including organizational, instructional, and relational communication encounters (Maguire, Heinemann-Lafave, & Connaughton, in press).
Examples of properly formatted references for these in-text citations (provided at the end of the document):
Maguire, K., Heinemann-LaFave, D.S., & Connaughton, S.L. (2018). Social presence and online relating: A cross-contextual view. In L. Webb & K. Wright (Eds.), Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships, 2nd ed. Cresskill, NJ: Peter Lang.
Walther, J. B. (1992). Interpersonal effects in computer-mediated interaction: A relational perspective. Communication Research, 19, 52-90. doi:10.1177/009365092019001003

Watch VideoReferencing Sources in APA Style: A Basic Introduction

Duration: (3:38)
User: munlibraries – Added: 9/10/13

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