Each student will submit an individual reflection and evaluation of their personal health traditions and any biases in their personal traditions

Personal Reflection Assignment Instructions


“Know thyself” was one of the first three Delphic maxims said to be inscribed on the pronaos of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.  The Greek philosophy of self-knowledge has been attributed to many writers, but the concept of individual reflection is a wise art for all to practice.

A self-reflection on personal health practices is an excellent starting point for understanding how culture informs health decision-making.  A serious student of culture will examine the roots of cultural influence and how these foundational forces are developed.


Each student will submit an individual reflection and evaluation of their personal health traditions and any biases in their personal traditions. To frame the discussion of personal traditions, students may use the “Heritage Assessment” in Appendix B of the Spector text.  Additionally, each student will participate in at least three Implicit Association Tests (IATs) from Project Implicit (linked in the Learn section of Module 2: Week 2).

Students may select from any of the Social Attitudes IATs for use in the reflection on biases.  The use of an APA title page and references are required for the assignment and students should include name, course number and section, and date on the document. First person pronouns are allowed in the Personal Reflection Paper Assignment.


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