Eastern Shore Community College Psychology Discussion


You are a working single parent of a 16-year-old son and a 12-year-old daughter. Your son has an 11 PM curfew on weekends, but recently, he has been ignoring curfew and coming home after midnight. When you try to address this with him, he either ignores you or gets angry and starts screaming at you. When he’s at home, he tends to shut himself away in his room. His latest report card shows that his grades are slipping. You are getting very concerned, but you work full-time and parent by yourself, so you are getting frustrated as well. 

After reviewing the learning resources for this week, come up with a strategy for dealing with your son that is supported by the literature on adolescent discipline. What are some of the things that you need to take into consideration? What actions would you implement to try and address his behavior? What actions would you avoid?

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