EconS 101 WA 4 Page 1 of 2 Good for me, good for you, bad for us? Due in NetTutor through the link in Blackboard ( ) by Sunday , December 3, by 11: 50 pm (PST) This video is about the tragedy of the commons:

 EconS 101 WA 4
Good for me, good for you, bad for us?
in NetTutor
through the link in Blackboard
 3, by
50 pm
This video is about the tragedy of the commons:
After watching the video, answer the following questions:
What do these economists mean when they sing, “Good for me, good f
or you, bad for us?”  
Common pool resources considered in the video include pasture (forage), fisheries, and
atmosphere. Explain what the specific problem is for each resource and identify some ways
that society has tried to mitigate the problems of that common resource 

EconS 101 WA 4

Page 1 of 2

Good for me, good for you, bad for us?

Due in NetTutor through the link in Blackboard ( by Sunday,
December 3, by 11:50 pm (PST)

This video is about the tragedy of the commons:

After watching the video, answer the following questions:

1. What do these economists mean when they sing, “Good for me, good for you, bad for us?”

2. Common pool resources considered in the video include pasture (forage), fisheries, and
atmosphere. Explain what the specific problem is for each resource and identify some ways
that society has tried to mitigate the problems of that common resource.

EconS 101 WA 4

Page 2 of 2

Grading Rubric

Please include your name, instructor’s name (Dr. Prera), course and section number (EconS
101.03), and writing assignment (Assignment 4) on the top of your assignment.

Your essay will be assessed as either ‘Meets expectations’ or ‘Needs improvement’ on each of
the criteria in the table below. If your essay needs improvement, you will be given feedback
from NetTutor to help you revise it. You have one week from the time you receive your
feedback to revise and re-submit the essay to NetTutor for another try – but you only get
one second chance. You’ll need to accumulate three acceptable writing assignments to fulfill the
writing portion of the course requirements.

Criterion Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Writing The writing is difficult to follow

and/or poorly organized.
Transition sentences are absent
or ineffective. Typos and/or
grammatical errors distract the
reader. Source material
citations/references needed, but
are missing or incorrect.

Ideas are well-organized.
Transition sentences effectively
connect one idea to the next. The
essay is free of typos and
grammatical errors. Sources
properly cited and referenced.

Economic analysis Explanation of the tragedy of the
commons is incorrect or
incomplete. Discussion of the
three common pool resources is
incorrect or incomplete. Potential
solutions are not listed for each
resource or the explanation is not

Explanation of the tragedy of the
commons is correct and
complete. Discussion of the three
resources and their problems is
correct and complete. Some
potential solutions are listed and
well explained for each resource.

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