
DO comments!!

1- According to the podcast, the U.S. lastly reached full employment, but has full unemployment is not mean employment zero, not everyone has a job or look for a new one. Some people are struggling to find one because today most job is online and not everybody is able to work or has the skills requirement. They need to find another way, like working in a restaurant or cleaning. Also, other people are frictional. They try to find a better job and look for work nearby their home or schools.

2- Not everyone is qualified for unemployment and getting a job is not as easy for others as well. People preach to others about how they should get up and get a job when they don’t know that person’s struggles with being successful in actually getting a job. Since covid, jobs are shifting their workplace to be online for the safety of others. Working from home may not be as easy for others as some people are more attentive and efficient working among others. Lastly, switching jobs from in-person to online is only for specific jobs. This can also cause people to lose their jobs. I have no problem with people’s conversations about the economy changing because it’s reality, people need to figure out what they should do to accommodate such differences. 

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