?EWRT 1A, Annotated Bibliography Assignment
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Explained:
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The topic for this assignment is your own TED Talk topic.
Here are the requirements of the assignment:
1. You must select three academic and/or newspaper articles about the topic. You may use materials that discuss other cultures, not just the United States.
2. You must select one TED Talks on the topic.
3. You must select one film (drama and/or documentary) about the topic.
4. Read and view all your selected materials in one week, and while you are doing so, take notes so you can complete the annotations.
5. Prepare an annotated bibliography that has the following components: an MLA formatted bibliography entry for the source, followed by a five-sentence annotation for each source: (i) summarize the source in three sentences and (ii) connect the source to your own TED Talk in two sentences.
It will be graded on the following criteria:
–complete list of academic and reliable sources
–correct MLA format throughout
–accurate and complete annotations
–correct grammar and syntax
–academic vocabulary
–proofread and clean of all typos and sloppy writing
A General Explanation of Annotated Bibliographies
An annotated bibliography is a list of scholarly resources for anyone who wishes to research a particular subject. It contains all the information necessary for someone else to find a copy of that material and a bit of commentary to explain why it is useful or why it should be avoided.
The exact format varies, but most bibliographers model their own versions on the Works Cited or Bibliography page from a style guide such as APA or MLA. Usually, the researcher provides all the information necessary to track down the listed books such as publication data or library call numbers. Typically, the entries are listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name, though in the case of particularly long bibliographies, it may be useful to subdivide the entries according to subcategories. Following the general publication information, the researcher provides a short note (hence “annotation”) explaining what’s useful to know about that source. The annotation might only be a sentence or two long, or it might be a short paragraph or two at most. Frequently the annotation lists information such as:
–A brief summary of what the book covers, or a brief summary of the author’s argument.
–How easy it is to obtain the book (Is it still in print, is it available at local libraries or bookstores? Is it only available through Orbis or Interlibrary loan?, etc.)
–How up to date the book or article is (Sometimes, a book printed in 2001 may simply be a reprint of a book written in 1901, check the copyright history inside the book’s first few pages.)
–It notes if any chapter or section in particular looks especially useful (especially if only one chapter or section deals with the subject, and the rest of the book deals with something else)
–Whether or not the book has its own bibliography in the back, and how extensive that bibliography is.
–How long or short the book or article is (A 450 page book? A short one-page article?)
A discussion of what this book argues or offers for readers which similar books disagree about or do not include.
–Any other practical advice or warnings the reader should know (The book weighs 200 pounds; it can’t be removed from the library; is written only in Italian; has great photos or charts; it is written by a world-renowned expert; every other author thinks this particular writer is insane, etc.)
You need not always read the entire book to include it in your annotated bibliography. Sometimes by skimming the introduction, conclusion, and table of contents, you can quickly get the gist of what it contains or what the author argues. If you come across a source that looks useful, but you don’t get a chance to examine it firsthand, go ahead and include it in your annotated bibliography and insert one of these phrases in brackets:
[Not Yet Examined]
That bracketed phrase falls in the section where the annotation normally appears. It is a standard warning to let the reader know this particular book hasn’t been examined, but it might be pertinent as further research.
I upload a Sample Annotated Bibliography and MLA Format for Annotated below.
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