Explain how your lived experiences have shaped or reshaped some of your assumptions around gender, class, race and justice

“Critical consciousness development”. Explain how your lived experiences have shaped or reshaped some of your assumptions around gender, class, race and justice. You may want to elaborate how those experiences align with the work done by the agency where you are doing your service hours. You don’t have to cover all areas, you may pick one or two and really unpack them. Two to three pages, double spaced, font size 12. Reflections are due before class, check due date on the class schedule.

some questions that could help answering the essay question

how do you perceive other races or genders suffers ?

have you ever find out that some one lied to you? how did you react

did you have a bad experience from people like you?

did you have a good experience from people different than you?

did you have a bad experience from people different than you?

do you like the community you live in ?

what would you do to change them ?

the Course is PAX

a little about me just in case

i am from kuwait , iam open minded lives in america

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