final project (biology )

4/22/22, 1:38 AM Preview Rubric: Final UnEssay Project – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) – Georgia Southern University 1/3

Final UnEssay Project
Course: Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2)

14 points

12.6 points

11.2 points

8.4 points

6 points


Interesting / 14

Complete / 14

It is very
and it is
obvious the
author was
about the

It is interesting

and the


passion about

the project


It is sort of

interesting and

some passion

by author

project shows

It is sort of

interesting or

some passion

by author

project shows

Its not


and/or the

author does

not appear to

be passionate

about the


it is complete
with no ideas

It is complete

but there is

one minor idea


It is complete

but there is

two or minor

ideas missing

It is missing

one important


It is missing

two or more



14 points

12.6 points

11.2 points

8.4 points

6 points


high quality


/ 14



/ 14

The project
exhibits an
very smooth
without any
for the

The product

exhibits a



with one


distraction for

the audience.

The product

exhibits a



but several



for the

audience are


The product

exhibits a


with one


distraction for

the audience.

There are

several major


for the

audience in

the product.

it uses a
format and
medium that
is unique and
suits its topic
and approach

It uses a

format and

medium that is

unique but is

not as

effective for

its topic and


It uses a

format and

medium that is

effective for

the topic and


It uses a

format and

medium that

suits its topic

and approach

The format

and medium

are not

effective for

the topic

4/22/22, 1:38 AM Preview Rubric: Final UnEssay Project – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) – Georgia Southern University 2/3

Total / 100

14 points

12.6 points

11.2 points

8.4 points

6 points


attractive / 14it is very
attractive and
shows a high
quality of
effort to

it is attractive
and shows a
high quality
of effort to

It shows a high

quality of

effort to


Its shows a


effort to

present a



There is a low

amount of

effort required

to achieve the



15 points

13.5 points

12 points

10.5 points

7.5 points


Depth / 15

Accuracy / 15

The project
explores a
novel cellular
or molecular
topic different
from those
presented in
the course.

The project
explores two
or more
topics from
the course in
greater depth
than the

The project

explores one

topic from the

course in

greater depth

than the


The project

explores one

or more topics

from the

course with

slightly more

detail than in

the course.

The project

explores one

or more topics

from the

course at a

similar depth

to the course.

it contains
and uses
cellular or
biology topics
in project

It contains one

minor mistake

in scientific


and uses

cellular or


biology topics

in the project

It contains

several two or

three minor

mistakes in



and uses

cellular or


biology topics

in the project

It contains one

major or three

to four minor

mistakes in



and uses

cellular or


biology topics

in the project

It contains two

or more major

mistakes, more

than four


mistakes in



or does not

use cellular or


biology topics

in the project.

4/22/22, 1:38 AM Preview Rubric: Final UnEssay Project – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) – Georgia Southern University 3/3

Overall Score

90 points


80 points


70 points


60 points


0 points





My project focuses on Diabetes and the intervention that will help reduce its occurrence in the future. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by an increase in the level of glucose in the body conflicting with the degree of glucose tolerated by the body. This disease is brought but the individual lifestyle and eating behavior. An individual is at high risk of getting diabetes by eating highly processed carbohydrates, and eating and drinking sugary food and drinks that increase the level of glucose in the body. Eating fatty food and excess red and processed meat. Diabetes comes in two forms type 1 and types 2 diabetes. It is more common in adults, there is limited research done on diabetes hence proving to be a difficult condition to treat.

Diabetes awareness is an interesting topic to venture into since it helps me understand the effects, its occurrence, and the ways of avoiding and treating this condition. It helps change my approach in terms of communication and ideological development in creating awareness about this chronic disease. My main reason for adventuring into this topic is to create the necessary awareness needed to educate people about the dangers of diabetes and the ways that can be used to overcome this condition. In the acquisition of the required information on the topic of interest, I thought it would be easy to get information about this chronic disease. My method of choice was the use of questioners which would be effective, especially for the patient and victims who were victims of diabetes.

In my questionnaire, I covered various areas that would give a hint on the path taken by people with diabetes. These questions include. When were you first diagnosed with diabetes? What is the major diagnosis? Do you do regular exercise? Any complications related to diabetes. Do you smoke or drink alcohol? How regularly do you check your blood sugar level? What reaction occurs when you are diagnosed with diabetes. What diet do they use during their treatment and what are the challenges they encounter during their treatment? These questions help in the acquisition of the information about diabetes. The doctors were also helpful in educating me about the occurrence, prevention, and treatment of the disease. Basically, we need to check our health for us to overcome the disease. Eating proper food and practice helps regulate the body’s sugar and glucose levels. In the process of writing this paper, I gained important points that will bring change in the occurrence of this disease the best way to treat and avoid Diabetes is to practice good lifestyles for improved health outcomes. This knowledge assists me in educating families who have their loved ones affected by this condition by advising them on the ways of overcoming this condition.


Animaw, W., & Seyoum, Y. (2017). Increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a developing country and its related factors. PLOS ONE, 12(11), e0187670.

Khan, M. A., Hashim, M. J., King, J., Govender, R. D., Mustafa, H., & Al Kaabi, J. (2020). Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes – Global Burden of Disease and Forecasted Trends. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 10(1).




Substantial Work in Progress

While developing the UnEssay, I accomplished a lot of concepts that validated accurate improvement in the topic. The topic selected was interventions for diabetes which are highly imperative to deal with the chronic condition’s adverse outcomes on people. Finding treatment approaches known to deal with the issue is valid to generate lifestyle transformation, improving health outcomes. I have effectively understood that diabetes is detrimental and even worse since type 1 and type 2. The public health industry is subjected to issues that can get handled using standard intervention and therapy strategies. Since some family members have the disease, I can now provide them with advice suitable for their care.

Animaw W, Seyoum Y (2017) Increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a developing country and its related factors. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0187670.

According to Animaw and Seyoum (2017) discovered that the majority of persons affected by diabetes had cases of smoking cigarettes, chewing khat, and alcohol intake.

Bullard, K. M., Cowie, C. C., Lessem, S. E., Saydah, S. H., Menke, A., Geiss, L. S., Orchard, T. J., Rolka, D. B., & Imperatore, G. (2018). Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes in Adults by Diabetes Type – the United States, 2016. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 67(12), 359–361.

Bullard et al. (2018) stated that public health interventions by persons in managing departments are the best method to handle diabetes.

Khan, M., Hashim, M. J., King, J. K., Govender, R. D., Mustafa, H., & Al Kaabi, J. (2020). Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes – Global Burden of Disease and Forecasted Trends. Journal of epidemiology and global health, 10(1), 107–111.

Khan et al. (2020) explained that sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and drug abuse contribute deeply to diabetes in people, which is dangerous.

The annotated bibliography above displays other discoveries. I need to perform more research on lifestyle behaviors that cause people to get affected by diabetes. This shall validate the reduction of the condition’s prevalence after finding areas known to generate health management. After finding out risk factors, I need to determine contingency measures to influence affected persons to have better health decision-making. This is highly imperative to validate the growth of a healthy environment. Using research, it shall be possible to create a better health environment.


For my UnEssay project I would like the focus to be on interventions for diabetes. This is a chronic disorder characterized by increased glucose levels that progressively modify or conflict with the degree of glucose tolerance in the body.  It also  is a multidimensional disorder that requires a varied approach to treatment since it is a lifestyle disease that, if left unchecked, may cause severe ailment. The fact that the ailment manifests itself in two forms, namely diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2, renders it a huge public health problem around the world. Although diabetes is becoming more common among adults, little knowledge has been provided on the disease’s pathogenesis, management, and potential therapy or intervention strategies. I found this topic to be quite interesting to me and also beneficial as a few of my close relatives have this disease and so this acted as a personal motivated for me to learn more about it. Moreover, I chose to do this project because it challenges my approach to communicating and developing my ideas as opposed to the more mundane formal way.

I plan to format my project first by properly introducing this topic then stating its causes and intervention plans and then at the end I would include an interview with three individual with diabetes in order to get first-hand information on how the disease has impacted their lives and the various treatment plans they are on. This will also allow me to get a better idea on which intervention methods they find to be the most effective for them and also inquire on the things they would have done differently in order to avoid developing the disease; this being applicable if in fact it was a consequence of their lifestyle choices. I will also be including several images depicting the severity of this condition. This project should be completed within a week; the first two days would be the writing portion of the project and the remaining days would be for the interviews.


Final UnEssay Project

Overview: Due to the number of BIOL 1107 students I teach each semester, I have to use a lot of standard activities and assessments which include mostly multiple choice questions for homework and testing situations. However, these don’t allow you to show your creativity in interacting with the material. I’ve been trying to find a way that lets you engage with the material using a very important aspect of science: imagination! The models, ideas, and processes we study this semester, first had to be imagined before they could be tested. Creativity and imagination are extremely important aspects of science. Therefore, in addition to these traditional assessments, there will be a final project for this class. This allows you to engage with the material in whatever way best suits you.

Why: Students have a variety of reasons for taking BIOL 1107. “It’s required” and “I enjoy biology” are very common ones, but there are 100’s of other reasons for taking this course. BIOL 1107 is a survey course on cellular and molecular biology. This means that we learn about a lot of topics in these fields of biology to prepare you for a variety of future coursework and careers, but do not have to the time to go in-depth about any particular topic in the course. You may be interested in the genetic basis for breast cancer, the cellular mechanism that allows cacti to survive in very arid environments, how high performance athletes switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism during exercise, how chromosome crossing-over happens at the molecular level, etc.

What: The Final UnEssay Project is your chance to combine your interests, personal reasons for learning cellular and molecular biology, and creativity to go more in-depth about a specific topic. The Final UnEssay Project can be done on any topic in cellular and molecular biology. It can be done using any medium (writing, art, music, pictures, etc.). It can be done individually or as a group project. It’s called an UnEssay because it doesn’t confine you to a research paper with specific conditions and formatting requirements (although you can certainly write a research paper), but instead allows you the creativity to explore a topic of interest in a way that most resonates with you.

How: Choose any topic you want provided you can associate your topic with at least one subject of this course. You can take any presentation approach to the UnEssay. You can use as few or as many sources as you want. Your presentation method should complement the topic chosen. A few presentation ideas: research paper, blog, website, music video, cartoon, PPT presentation, drawing, sculpture, photo-essay, learning activity, game, lesson plan, book review, etc. The only requirement is that your UnEssay is compelling, effective, and accurate.

Timeline: The parts of the project are due the following Sundays by 11:59pm:

January 30th Topic and Format

March 13th Substantial Work In Progress

April 17th Final UnEssay Project

Topic and Format (due January 30th):

Submit a short Topic and Format statement that explains (a)your topic, (b)the format in which you plan to present it, (c)what you plan to do and when, and (d)why you want to do this project. IF working in a group, everyone should submit their own Topic and Format statement that reflects their personal views on the project, lists the group members, and explains what each person is planning on contributing to the project. This statement should be 300 – 400 words written in Word and submitted by 11:59pm January 30th to the Topic and Format dropbox.

Substantial Work in Progress (March 13th):

Submit a short Work in Progress statement that (a)explains what you have accomplished, (b)what you need to do to finish, and (c)something that shows your progress (e.g. a picture of artwork, draft/outline/annotated bibliography for written pieces, etc.) If working in a group, everyone should submit their own Work in Progress statement that reflects their personal views on the project, lists the group members, and explains what you have contributed to the project. This statement should 200 – 300 words, submitted using Word by 11:59pm March 13th to the Work in Progress dropbox.

Final UnEssay Project Submission (due April 17th):

When you submit your project include a short Explanatory statement that explains (a)what you did, (b)why you did it, and (c)how you went about producing the UnEssay. If you chose to do a standard essay/paper this can be your place to be more open about the process you used to create the piece. The Explanatory statement should be 400 – 500 words, turned into the final UnEssay Dropbox using Word. If working in a group, everyone should submit their own Explanatory statement that reflects their personal views on the project. The process of submission of your Final UnEssay Project will be related to the best way to get the project to Dr. DP (e.g. Folio dropbox, hand-in, etc.).

Grading Rubric: If UnEssays can be about anything and there are no restrictions on format and presentation, how are they graded? The main criterion is how well it all fits together; how compelling, effective, and accurate your work is.

An UnEssay is compelling when it shows some combination of the following:

· it is as interesting as its topic and approach allows

· it is as complete as its topic and approach allows (it doesn’t leave the audience thinking that important points are being skipped over or ignored)

An UnEssay is effective when it shows some combination of these attributes:

· it is readable/watchable/listenable (i.e. the production values are appropriately high and the audience is not distracted by avoidable lapses in presentation)

· it is appropriate (i.e. it uses a format and medium that suits its topic and approach)

· it is attractive (i.e. it is presented in a way that leads the audience to trust the author and his or her arguments, examples, and conclusions).

An UnEssay is accurate when it show some combination of the following:

· it is truthful (any questions, evidence, conclusions, or arguments you raise are honestly and accurately presented)

· it contains accurate scientific information

Ideas contributed from Mike Kessel, Daniel O’Donell, Emily Clark, and Patrick Sullivan.

Sullivan, P. (2015). The UnEssay: Making Room for Creativity in the Composition Classroom. College Composition and Communication, 67(1): 6 – 33.

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