Find a recent online ad and focus on that. Recent = no older than 3 months from when you are posting your response to this prompt. The date stamp of your response will be used for this. *Review the a

Find a recent online ad and focus on that.

Recent = no older than 3 months from when you are posting your response to this prompt. The date stamp of your response will be used for this.

*Review the advertisement carefully, then identify the fallacies in the ads. Discuss how an individual’s beliefs and values can cause that person to perceive bias and fallacies in the advertising material. The goal is to recognize fallacious thinking.

Provide the following, and number your responses:

1. Article Title (or, if using an advertisement, the source of the ad)

2. Publication Date (no more than 3 months old!)

3. Link/URL

4. Brief summary of what the article or advertisement is about (one or two sentences at most).

5. Now this is the challenging part. Your job is review the advertisement carefully, then 5a) identify the fallacies in the ads. 5b) Discuss how an individual’s beliefs and values can cause that person to perceive bias and fallacies in the advertising material.

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