FIU Client Analysis Psychology Capstone Presentation

Please follow and look at the rubric attached follow all the details, samples, and use the preparation powerpoint to make it easier. With this powerpoint please attach three metanalysis articles that relate to the client’s age culture, ethnicity, diagnosis, and goals to be able to replicate the interventions with the Client. Crisis intervention is the main intervention that is used with the clients in my field placement because of suicidal ideation. Clients stay in the unit for approximately 4-5 days until they can be safely discharged. After Discharge clients receive a follow-up appointment within 7 days with Banyan Community Health Center and are referred to Mercy Hospital Outpatient Partial Hospitalization Program for further behavior health services. Client info: The client is a single 63-year-old white Hispanic woman who is currently experiencing depressive and anxiety symptoms due to her excessive time in isolation, and paranoid thoughts of the pandemic and the new delta virant. The client has voluntarily admitted herself into the Behavior Health Unit at Mercy hospital because she is experiencing intrusive thoughts of suicidal ideation. She lives alone and is a mother to two daughters who currently live in New York. The client has a history of multiple psych hospitalizations. If you need more information please let me know minimal 22 slides please add notes at the bottom of slides for presentation.

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