HIMS 655 UMGC Modernizing Health Information Infrastructure Using AHIMA Data Quality Model Paper
Scenario: The flow of patient care must run efficiently and effectively from the point of admission to discharge. Clinical and Administrative health care teams greatly rely on the availability of complete and accurate data to examine, diagnose, devise a treatment plan, and monitor the patients outcome/or response to the prescribed health care plan. As a participating member of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), you were appointed to serve on a global health workforce aimed at developing a Data Quality Management System similar to that of AHIMAs DQM Model to assist in modernizing health information infrastructures in other countries. The final product to submit is a proposed Health Record Content & Documentation Checklists & Procedures that includes all items in the following list. Submit as Microsoft Word document by the end of Week Four but no later than Tuesday, 11:59 PM EST. This is an individual assignment.
- Compare and contrast the American Health Information Management Associations (AHIMAs) Data Quality Management Model (DQM) http://library.ahima.org/PB/DataQualityModel#.WL2U-hBWDi8 with the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Data Quality Framework (DQF) aka Six Dimensions of Quality https://www.cihi.ca/sites/default/files/document/iqf-summary-july-26-2017-en-web_0.pdf
- Assess the effectiveness of both models by developing two (2) separate data quality checklists based on the AHIMA DQM Model and CIHI Data Quality Framework to be used for the evaluation of sampling inpatient health record. The outcome of the assessment will be used as a tool in the development of a data quality management system. The checklists must assess each data quality characteristic from the two models and include at least two (2) measures to assess each data quality characteristic. A checkbox for each measure, along with a comment box to record any findings, recommendations and/or notes must be included in the checklists.
- In a written one- to two-page summary, address the following:
- Summarize limitations found in each model
- Final recommendation for submission to AHIMAs global health workforce
- Discuss any concerns in the development and/or use of the data quality checklists
Use the Data Quality checklist, provided below, as a sample to assist you in the development of data quality checklists.
References & Resources:
Medical Nomenclatures and Vocabularies http://www.delmarlearning.com/companions/content/1418012556/Student_Resources/ForMoreInfo/Medical%20Nomenclatures_Vocab.pdf
Clinical Vocabularies: Essential to the Future of Health Information Management: http://library.ahima.org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok3_005532.hcsp?dDocName=bok3_005532
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