HLTH 205 American University Vitamins and Minerals Worksheet
The assignment is to read the book and fill out the blank and answer short answer that is given in the doc. Description is given below:
The following assignment covers the following chapters; answers can be completed by using the Wiley text or eText in the following chapters:
- Ch 8: The Water-Soluble Vitamins
- Ch 9: The Fat-Soluble Vitamins
- Ch 10: Water and the Electrolytes
- Ch 11: Major Minerals and Bone Health
- Ch 12: The Trace Minerals
The accompanying posted supporting information pdf with this assignment may or may not provide some additional information in answering questions in the assignment. Each question has a point value; please make your answers to short-answer questions as complete as possible to receive points for those questions.
Vitamins and Minerals assignment. This is worth a total of 50 points. This 50 points is made up of answering questions for 50 points on one of the posted documents.
Unless you look something up on the Internet from a reliable source, you do not need to cite your source since I will assume it is from the text. Do your best not to plagiarize from the text – use your own words.
Very importantly, do not copy any other student’s work; I am referring in particular to the short answer questions. I think it is wonderful to work with another student or form a group in answering the questions, this would be the best approach! …however, do not copy the actual words used from anyone else. This will result in a zero for those involved. Use your text or use the Internet (reliable sources – NO WIKIPEDIA, only use scholarly websites/articles). Answer any short answer questions thoroughly to receive all points for each question. Other than the first question which says you can list the characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins (list at least 3 to 4), other short answers must be in full sentences. Students can mistakenly not read the entire question, so please do read thoroughly and explain completely. Every answer is found in the text within Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Spelling counts since you have your text. I will take off the point for misspelling because as indicated, the words are in the text.
Lastly, all of the answers are in the textbook! Google-searchers beware— by Google searching certain questions, inapplicable answers may be yielded, and you will not receive credit for inapplicable answers.
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