Human Resources wk 3

I need someone to complete this for me by tonight at 9:30pm EST. Please do not respond if you cannot finish by the deadline. 


2 replies of 250–300 words each. Must:


2.            Include an analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the topic.

3.            Include the textbook for the course.

4.            Include at least 1 additional scholarly resource. If you are unsure of what constitutes a scholarly resource, please refer to the FAQ link.

5.            Include Bible references.

6.            Include an assessment/analysis of your Christian worldview as it relates to the topic.

7.            Include both in-text citations and references in APA format.

8.            Utilize correct English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. All work must be posted directly into the message box. Do not attach a file for the discussion portion of this course.

9.            Include clear topic sentences for each paragraph, supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence/paragraph.


This is the textbook:

Werner, J., & DeSimone, R. (2012). Human resource development (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson-Southwestern. ISBN: 9780538480994.

#1 Alison

Organizational Needs Analysis and Strategic Planning Relationship

            According to  Werner and DeSimone (2012),  “Organizational analysis is a process used to better understand the characteristics of an organization to determine where training and HRD efforts are needed and the conditions under which they should be conducted” (p. 112). A needs analysis is typically drawn from the organizational analysis. The needs analysis is used to identify areas of development and used to create an actual development plan that may resolve the issues at hand. It is used to identify where development is needed and what variables could effect the implementation of this development. Being aware of the issues that could present themselves during this process is pivotal. Strategic planning on the other hand involves the strategic planning for the entire organization as a unit. By linking HRD and strategic planning a human resource specialist places HRD as a priority in the organization’s success story/strategy. The relationship between organizational needs analysis and strategic planning is therefore crucial to the success of an organization. As a result of this relationship, “The strategic plan can be a valuable source of information for organizational analysis, [and] HRD efforts can become a major
component of carrying out the strategic plan” (Werner & DeSimone, 2012, p. 114).

Tying HRD Programs to the Strategic Plan

             By tying HRD programs to an organization’s strategic plan it is easier to justify requests for resources to develop and deliver to HRD programs. This is because, “Communicating the link between HRD activities and the organization’s strategic plan to operating managers and employees makes the importance of HRD programs clear” (Werner & DeSimone, 2012, p. 114). This communication increases awareness within the organization and publicizes the efforts being made for the link. With the pressure and spotlight from the entire organization those who are being trained might also be motivated to improve more steadily than if they felt like no one cared about their increased performance and knowledge. If training and development is being taken more seriously by those being developed or trained then the organization would be much more likely to provide resources for development. Over the past several years’ human resource management has evolved from simple management to becoming engaged as strategic business partners ( Sondhi & Nirmal, 2013, p. 5 ). This strategic shift has given human resource management a seat at the table and a voice in the executive circles. Organizations are starting to believe in the value of people again. This value and relationship between HRD and strategic planning is becoming the new way to do business. 

Biblical Integration

             This entire discussion depends upon the willingness of the organization to embrace human resource development. If leadership or groups were to decide they were against development, as some are due to fear etc., then it wouldn’t matter how the link occurred. But imagining that human resource development was starting to become a big part of the strategic planning of the organization, those being developed would have to be willing. Development is a big topic in the Bible. James does a great job of making a quick yet blunt statement concerning spiritual development for believers, saying, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16, English Standard Version). It’s often not fun to have ones failures displayed for the entire organization to see, but that’s what development is asking a person to do. As believers Christian’s must be able to set an example for development in their own personal lives but also in the lives of those around them, watching how they react and behave.    


Sondhi, V., & Nirmal, P. S. (2013). Strategic human resource management: A reality check.  Review of Management, 3 (1), 4-10. Retrieved from

Werner, J. M., DeSimone, R. L. (2012).  Human Resource Development  (6th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.


#2 Starshema

Research by David Kolb and others suggests that individuals have different learning styles. How would a manager who has a convergent learning style and a manager who has a divergent learning style differ in their approach to learning? Suppose you are going to conduct training sessions designed to teach managers how to give feedback to subordinates. These 2 managers are scheduled to participate. What might you do (if anything) to handle their style differences to ensure that both of them learn the material you present?


Psalm 139:14 tell us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”(NIV).  While we all have that spiritual DNA in common, much like our personality styles, we all have different learning styles. Many companies have mandatory courses for employees regarding diversity. There are often certain courses that leaders are required to take to identify and deal with learning and personality styles for their direct reports. It is important to recognize that everyone does not have the same learning style. Many of us can also be associated with more than one learning style, even though one style is more dominant than the (Werner & DeSimone, 2012).

According to Devi Akella (2010), “divergers prefer learning through concrete experience and reflective observation” (p. 102). Managers with a divergent learning style may come up with creative ideas or concepts by using methods such as brainstorming (Akelli, 2010). A manager with a convergent learning style incorporates “a combination of abstract conceptualization and active experimentation” (Werner & DeSimone, 2012, p.91).  Managers with a diveregent learning style would be more concerned about “feeling and watching” and convergent learners are focused on “thinking and doing” (Werner, DeSimone, 2012, p.91).   

James Vinales (2015), states that the learning environment should be supportive of all learning styles. After learning styles have been identified, it is important to create a training session that is a perfect blend of both learning styles. If I were required to conduct training sessions to teach both of these managers how to give feedback to subordinates, it would be important to develop training instructions that incorporate both of their learning styles. As part of the training session, I would try to come up with a training session that would appeal the divergent manager’s creative imagination and allow the convergent to use practical applications to carry out the procedures.

During my employment transition, I have gone through training for a temporary position. I was so overwhelmed on the first day and contemplated walking out the door. It is not possible to know the learning styles of newly hired employees in advance. However, I believe that most HRD professionals, specifically trainers know how to engage various learning and personality styles. This particular trainer lacked that experience. It led to some of the class being confused, while others fell asleep or became frustrated. I shared that story just to emphasize how important it is to be inclusive of all learning styles. I believe that when HRD professionals or people in leadership are convinced it is their way or the highway, it does not cause others to feel valued.  




Akella, D. (2010). Learning together: Kolb’s experiential theory and its application.   Journal of


Management and Organization,   16 (1), 100-112. Retrieved from




The Holy Bible (1984). New International Version.  Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan  Publishing




Vinales, J. J. (2015). The learning environment and learning styles; a guide for mentors.  British


School of Nursing,  24(8), 454-457. Doi:10.12968/bjon.2015.24.8.454.


Retrieved from




Werner, J. & DeSimone, R. (2012). Human resource development (Sixth edition). Mason, Ohio:  



South-Western, Cengage.

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