Interview a teacher in the elementary grades regarding the teacher’s social studies instruction. Writing assignment


Interview a teacher in the elementary grades regarding the teacher’s social studies instruction. Include at least eight questions.

Create your own questions such as:

  1. Do you use a textbook?
  2. What do you think of the standards for social studies?
  3. How much time is spent per day in this subject area?

Document the interview questions and answers and submit with the Standards Essay.

Standards Essay

Choose one grade level in the elementary grades. Evaluate the social studies standards on the Arizona Department of Education’s website for that grade level for such things as thoroughness, clarity, and two other criteria of your own choosing.

Write an essay of 750-1,000-words as a well-supported, objective, academic response to the interview and standards investigation, analyzing how social studies is currently taught today.

Below are the requirements for the assignment:

1. Interview is complete, coherent, and cohesive. Interview questions reflect a clear understanding of the assignment’s purpose and elicit higher order thinking. Interview is attached.

2. Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive; definitions are clearly stated. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. Research is adequate, up-to-date, relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment’s criteria. Five or more relevant academic sources were cited.

3. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

4. Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

5. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

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