kim woods.. 5020
Data Review Project Report Presentation Professional Context
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria: Competency 1: Transformation: Facilitate a change process that effectively involves patients, communities, and professionals in the improvement and delivery of health care and wellness. Write a clear, one sentence problem statement for a proposed project. Develop evidence-based recommendations and conclusions. Competency 2: Execution: Translate strategy to develop and maintain optimal organizational performance in health care settings. Identify key performance indicators and outcome measures for the proposed project Summarize key findings from your review of current and relevant authoritative literature. Analyze performance data and trends. Competency 3: People: Create an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in health care settings. Present a concise, substantive project overview to stakeholders that is supported by authoritative sources. Instructions
Use the Data Review Project Report Presentation Template linked in the Resources, to design your presentation and ensure that you include all required content. Problem statement. Performance indicators examined and units of measurement. Key findings from the literature. Data presentation. Data analysis. Evidence-based recommendations. Conclusion. References.
Include a minimum of two data displays (for example, pie chart, graph, spreadsheet, and process map) with descriptive titles, performance indicators examined, and units of measurement.
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your presentation addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Data Review Project Report Presentation Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed. Write a clear, one sentence problem statement for a proposed project. State the issue in the form of a problem, and add a citation. Identify key performance indicators and outcome measures for the proposed project. Are the performance indicators appropriate and relevant for examining the problem? Explain how each performance indicator that relates to the problem will be measured. Be precise in explaining how the outcome will be measured. Summarize key findings from your review of current and relevant authoritative literature. Provide sufficient breadth and depth in the summary to adequately cover the selected topic. Analyze performance data and trends. Present your visual data displays, along with a concise analysis. Describe the significant findings, trends, and any new insights evident from the data summaries. Develop evidence-based recommendations and conclusions. With regard to the problem you are examining, you are encouraged to: Explore government agencies, accrediting bodies, scholarly journals, and similar authoritative sources for insights on meeting industry standards. Review best practices literature for insights into how to solve the problem. Review current literature for assessment, compliance, and other contemporary tools that directly measure and address the problem. Present your results and findings, recommendations, and leadership insights. Include a minimum of two evidence-based recommendations from the current (within the past 3–5 years) authoritative sources. Most importantly, your conclusion should include a clear statement about how the project added value and was aligned with, the organization. Present a concise, substantive project overview to stakeholders that is supported by authoritative sources. Be clear and focused in your presentation. Address the anticipated needs and concerns of your audience. Apply best practices to the design and development of your presentation materials. Support your main points, arguments, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence. Be sure to format citations and references using APA style. Submission Requirements
In addition to your slide deck, submit any other relevant documentation or links for this assignment (if you used technology other than Kaltura Media, Adobe Connect, or PowerPoint).
Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio. Resources Data Review Project Report Presentation Scoring Guide. Disability Services. Data Review Project Report Presentation Template [PPTX]. Using Kaltura [PDF]. Using Adobe Connect. ePortfolio.
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