Learning Objective and Materials Assignment Instructions

Learning Objective and Materials Assignment Instructions

Learning materials are the content or information conveyed within a course. These include the lectures, readings, textbooks and multimedia components in a course. These can be used in face to face or online classrooms. These materials provide the core information that students will experience, learn, and apply during a course they hold the motivation to either engage or demotivate students. Thus, the materials should be carefully planned, selected, organized, refined and used in a course to maximize effort
In this assignment, you will continue to build upon the previous assignment in creating a fictional course. Using the template below, please develop module/unit level objectives that align with the Course Objectives. In the second table, create learning materials that align to the course objectives. In the module content table, you may select a real source or create the title of a fictitious source that aligns the module. Please use feedback from the previous assignment to make any modifications. Provide at least 3 course level objectives and 3 module unit objectives. You are asked to address one module (week) in a course. In your alignment, please be mindful that one module objective may align to more than 1 course level objective.

Module 1
Purpose of the Module: In this week’s module, learners will expect to learn….
Alignment Chart (Learning Objectives)
Complete the chart below by creating module objectives that align with your course objectives and are assessed by at least one assessment. (Module objectives should be more specific then course objectives and use clear measurable verbs that align with the assessment.) After completing this module, you will be able to…

Course Objectives (CO)
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to

Module 1 Objectives
Course Objectives




Module Content (Learning Materials)
Provide information about any readings, videos, PowerPoints, etc. Include at least one content for each of the Read, View, Watch items below.

Content (links, chapter titles, assignment names)
(textbook chapters, articles)

(websites, PowerPoints)

(narrated PowerPoints, videos)


Please explain how each of the learning materials align with the module and course level objectives. In other words, how will the learning activity help the learners meet the objectives if they actively engage and learn from the learning materials.
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