Mango Street

Part I

Complete in-class common exam essay assignment as by writing first draft of response to the story, “House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. (If you were not in class google story.)

The following topic prompters accompanied the assignment and were provided in class.

After reading the attached story, “The House On Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros, write an essay with a clear thesis statement in response to one of the topic prompters selected.

1. The struggle of self-definition is a common theme in coming-of-age stories. Discuss how the young narrator in Sandra Cisneros short story describes her situation an how she comes to terms with it. Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

2. What does the “House on Mango Street” symbolize for the young narrator? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

3. How does the dialogue between the nun and the young narrator lead to the narrator’s awareness of what makes for a “real house”? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

4. What is the narrator like as a character? How much do you learn about her? How much do you learn about life in general? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

Directions for composing handwritten essay assignment.

1. First read the questions

2. Read the questions

3. Choose a topic prompter

4. Create a thesis statement

5. Write on every other line

6. Avoid writing on the back

Part II (Separate piece of paper)

Select one direct quotation from the story that will be included in each body paragraph to support your idea. (There should be three different quotes.) This information will be used for an in-class activity to learn MLA in-text citation and work cited formating.)

Read the following pages in preparation for using quotations effectively and integrating sources in your essay.

Pages 162-164

Pages 453-456

Kind regards

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