Module 03 Diversity Management Project – Annotated Bibliography
The annotated bibliography for your Diversity Management Proposal is now due. Create an annotated bibliography with three scholarly sources that you may use in your proposal to support your discussion of the problem or the solution. Scholarly sources include academic journals. Make sure to format your annotated bibliography according to APA formatting guidelines.

The complete proposal will require at least one interview and two scholarly sources.
For this Annotated Bibliography assignment you can utilize the APA guide in the Resources area of the course. Click on Resources at the top of the course page, the APA guide, then click on the left side of the page where it says Annotated Bibliography. There are a lot of resources here to help you.
Also one of your sources for the annotated bibliography will need to be an actual interview. One suggestion would be to interview your HR manager at your job regarding the diversity problem you selected for your paper and get their perspective on the problem. You can also interview a neighbor, friend, coworker, etc. The key is to discuss the diversity issue you chose for your project with someone to help you get ideas on how to resolve the problem. You are required to put the interview in APA format too.
An example of a personal communication in-text citation might look like this: According to F. Bennis (personal communication, January 29, 2016)
Below is a link to a document to help you with formatting your Annotated Bibliography:
APA Guidelines: Annotated Bibliography
Below is an example for your reference and in-text citation for an interview….
Frank, Bennis M., head of Marine Corp Oral History program at Pentagon. Telephone interview, 29, January 2016. This informant discussed the top secret classifications of the Navajo code. He stated that there is no documentation in Marine Archives of the Japanese being able to decipher every American code, but it was a known fact during World War II that Japanese were deciphering many American codes. He acknowledged that the Navajos developed their own codes. He stated that although the Navajos did nothing spectacular, their contribution was unique.
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