MS6018 M4A1 response

    Mataina Fakava 


Which sections of OSHA regulations are being violated?

From an employment perspective, if there is no complain then there’s nothing wrong. But employee should speak up when they see or feel that something is bothering them that can be defined as an OSHA violation. The Human Resources Department work with a lot of paper documents and filing abilities. So most of the filing are kept in boxes until there is a storage available. The OSHA regulations that could be violated is that if these files are not kept in the right temperature than it will cause mold and dust. Another violation is that if this files are piled up than a box might fall on an employee. Another concern is that when an employee is searching for a specific file in this pile. He or she may be subject to remove more than 6 to ten boxes that may cause back pain if the boxes are too heavy. 

What are the possible methods of resolving such issues?

The company must work together with employees to ensure their safety from health hazardous and prevent any work injuries. Filing cabinets are safe for storing business documents and records. Another solution is electronic filing, archive, or google drives. These programs will help reduce the use of paper documents. Most business create original documents and later make numerous copies for other partners. But electronic files help business save and share a document for easy access without printing on paper. Archive is helping to save files for a long term use. Google drive is helping to save and share a file that is accessible for continuous update.   

Does the employer carry workers’ compensation in the event of an injury, illness, or death? What workers’ compensation laws is the employer subject to in your state?

The employer’s in American Samoa Government carries workers’ compensation for injury, illness, and death. The worker’s compensation laws provides benefits for eligible employees. The government investigates the employee claim and works together with the employee to negotiate benefits. Therefore, the EEOICP Program Statistics is used by American Samoa to determine the effects of the workers compensation claims. American Samoa continues to use the United States Department of Labor Laws but is now attributed to the laws within American Samoa. Meaning a client will be subject to be treated in which state he or she resides. 

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