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HCM 490 Miles tone Three Gu idelines and R ubric Overview: In this milest one, yo u will subm it the assessment an alysis of y our proje ct on the organizati on. Specifica lly, the fo llowing criti cal elem ents mu st be a ddre ssed: I. Pha se I —As sessm ent: In th is section, you will explain y our ass ess ment too ls and a pproach. Your assessment should incl ude the fo llowing: A. An app ropriate analysis t ool to ass ess the impact of y our proje ct on y our organization B. The e ffect of internal an d ex ternal factors on the feasib ility an d dev elo pm ent of the project C. An assessment o f the finan cial im pact of the init iative, incl uding any necessary capit al expe nditure s, necessary fundraising , or potential financial bene fits th at may resu lt from the init iative. D. An evaluation of additional res ource s needed to e ffectively imp lement the init iative, incl uding staffing, e quipment, technol ogy need s, and so forth R ub ric Guideli nes for Submis sion : Th is milest one should be no mo re than five PowerPoint slide s. All references cited in AP A format. Critical Element s Proficien t (100 %) Need s Impro veme nt (75 %) No t Eviden t (0%) Va lue Analysis Too l Explains the app rop riate ana lysis too l used to assess the im pa ct of the project on the organ izat ion Explains the app rop riate ana lysis too l used to assess the im pa ct of the project on the organ izat ion bu t lacks detail or clarity Does no t explain the app rop riate ana lysis too l used to assess the im pa ct of the project on the organ izat ion 23 Intern al and Extern al Factor s Discusses the effect of internal an d externa l factors on the feasibility an d develop ment of the project Discusses the effect of interna l an d externa l factors on the feasibility an d develop ment of the project bu t lacks detail or clarity Does no t discuss the effect of interna l an d external factors on the feasibility an d develop ment of the project 23 Financial Imp act Assesses the finan cial im pa ct of the initiative, includ ing an y necessa ry cap ital expend itures, necessa ry fund raising, or pot ential finan cial benefits tha t may result from the initiative Assesses the finan cial im pa ct of the initiative, includ ing an y necessa ry cap ital expend itures, necessa ry fund raising, or pot ential finan cial benefits tha t may result from the initiative, bu t lacks detail or clarity Does no t assess the finan cial im pa ct of the initiative includ ing an y necessary cap ital expend itures, necessary fund raising, or pot ential finan cial benefits tha t may result from the initiative 23 Add ition al Re sour ces Evaluat es add itiona l resou rces needed to eff ectively im plement the initiative, includ ing staffing, equ ipment, an d techno logy needs Evaluat es add itiona l resou rces needed to eff ectively im plement the initiative, includ ing staffing, equ ipment, an d techno logy needs, bu t lacks detail or clarity Does no t evaluat e add itiona l resources needed to effectively im plement the initiative, includ ing staffing, equ ipment, an d techno logy needs 23 Articulation of Re spon se Sub mi ssion ha s no major errors related to citat ion s, grammar, spelling, synta x, or organ izat ion Sub mi ssion ha s major errors related to citat ion s, grammar, spelling, synta x, or organ izat ion tha t negatively im pa ct readab ility an d articulation of main ideas Sub mi ssion ha s cri tical errors related to citat ion s, grammar, spelling, synta x, or organ izat ion tha t prevent un de rstand ing of ideas 8 Total 100%

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