paper writing

Choose ONE of the two topics. Essays should be roughly 4-5 pages.

You DO need to have a clearly stated thesis that you demonstrate using a coherent argument supported by quoted evidence, as you would in any analytical paper.

1. In both Dracula and Jekyll and Hyde, there is a preoccupation with architectural boundaries — windows, doors, enclosed boxes, drawers, and closets. This architectural focus is typical of gothic literature, in which fear stems primarily from the invasion of private spaces. But in Jekyll and Hyde it is the “good” character, Utterson, not the monstrous Hyde, who breaks through boundaries and invades privacy. Compare the two works and explain why the invasion of privacy is associated with evil in Dracula and good in Jekyll and Hyde.

2. Compare the dangers of sexual desire as they are portrayed in Jane Eyre and in Dracula.

Please hight your thesis statement. and quotes

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