Part 1 USE TEXT BOOK PLEASE AND OTHER SOURCES Your textbook mentions on page 205 a movie titled: The Three Faces of Eve. Here is a clip of one of her sessions: Give your impressions of the session. M


Your textbook mentions on page 205 a movie titled: The Three Faces of Eve. Here is a clip of one of her sessions: Give your impressions of the session.

More information on the woman whom the movie was based off of:

Part 2 (500 words)

Almost every student has had the experience of reading pages of material (perhaps in our Abnormal text!), only to snap out of their “trance” and realize that, although their eyes were moving over the words, they were thinking about very different things besides their textbook material. Identify periods of dissociation that are normal and reasons why some individuals still do not believe that DID is real

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