Portfolio Design and Plan

Project #1: Portfolio Design and Plan

Portfolio Design and Plan:

1. Devise a plan for using portfolios in assessing student progress and communicating that progress to parents.

2. Create the portfolio for students in a particular subject area or grade level. Include the following elements:

i. Rationale;

ii. Purpose;

iii. Collaboration goals;

iv. Content;

v. Evaluation criteria;

vi. Role of the parent, teacher, and learner.

3. Consider aspects of validity; representativeness, rubrics, and relevance.

4. Refer to Wilson’s formative assessment article as well as the Understanding by Design websites in preparing your plan.

Use the following guidelines to design a portfolio assessment system for your teaching area:

Create the following:



Identification of cognitive skills and dispositions

Description of stakeholders’ involvement

Consideration of products and number of samples.

Consider curricular area, content areas and number of samples of each.

Scoring Rubrics

Prepare rubrics for cognitive skills in selected content areas

Prepare rubrics for rating the portfolio as a whole

Develop a rating and grading scheme by aggregating all portfolio ratings.

Consider weighting. Devise a method to arrive at an overall

portfolio rating. You may consider assigning values and meanings

such as 90-100 A -Outstanding, etc.

Determine logistics.

Consider how products can be turned in, where the portfolios will be kept, time lines, and accessibility.

Plan a final conference.

At the end of the year, plan should be in place to conference with all stakeholders.

Finally, create a Portfolio Development Checklist addressing and outlining each of the above listed steps (very important).

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