Primary Source Analysis for ( The Laws of Manu)

I will upload the ( Primary Source Analysis Form ) and the cortical ( The Laws of Manu) that I want you analysis it.

For that document you will complete a Primary Source Analysis Form (attached) incorporating (but not limited to) the following elements:

Who is the author?

If an identifiable person, what is his or her background?

What kind of text is it?Political?Historical?Satire?Fiction? Something else? A combination of genres?

Who is the author’s audience?It is always possible, and in fact likely, that there will be more than one audience.Explain which audience, in your supported view, is the most significant one and explain why.

What does the document indicate or tell you about the wider society or broader social concerns?

What is the thesis or main argument of the work?Based on your reading of the document and your knowledge of the society and time period being written about, do you detect any bias?Explain.

Does the work do its job?In other words, are you convinced by the argument?Do you find the history accurate and informative?If it’s satire or fiction, are you entertained or enlightened?How might the intended audience have reacted to the work?

  • In your work with the document, what did you as the reader/historian find most difficult about understanding/interpreting the document?

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