project 4 part 1 and 2

Part one is in power point

Part 2 of the project

You will now trade roles and reply to the claim letter you wrote for Part 1. Assuming you are the recipient of the letter, craft a response to the claim your customer is making. For the purposes of this assignment, please assume you have the ability to make decisions on behalf of the organization. Remember that you are now a representative of the organization rather than the person filing a claim. Evaluate the following:

· Is the evidence provided sufficient?

· Is the proposed solution appropriate?

· What course of action is in the best interest of the organization you are representing?

Summarize your findings in a paragraph or two. 

Based on your findings, write an appropriate professional response.

Possible points: 50 points

You will need to have read Chapter 7 to complete this assignment.

Project 4: The Art of Letters

ENGL 2311 — Prof. Winter

Table of Content


Assignment Specifications

Assignment – Important Issues

Learning Outcomes

Evaluation Criteria


Claim Letter

Assignment: Write a claim letter or email documents a problem with a specific product or service you have purchased and shows that you deserve recompense. In this assignment, request a specific action to solve the problem.

Audience: Write to the case worker who will review your case and who has the authority to act on it. Keep in mind that your communication may be passed on to others if needed.

Documents to be submitted:

Claim Letter

Audience Analysis

Assignment Specifications – Audience Analysis

By now you have become accustomed to think about your audience before you start writing, and making a claim is no different. For this audience analysis address the following in a paragraph:

Primary audience (the person who will be able to make decisions in this matter)

Needs of the primary audience

Best tactic to get maximum possible benefit

Secondary audience (any person not directly involved in the decision-making process, such as a person reviewing and forwarding the messages, an auditor, or a supervising manager (this person can, of course, become a member of the primary audience at any time).

Needs of the secondary audience

Any other things you may need to consider.

Assignment Specifications – Claim Letter or Email

Remain factual in your claim letter or email. Don’t get angry or emotional since facts, not feelings, get results.

In paragraph 1, give the facts by briefly describing the purchase. Give the date, place, item, and cost. Add information about the salesperson, delivery, and installation as needed to support your claim.

In paragraph 2, explain what went wrong in a factual way that shows that you were not to blame. If you are requesting damages, be sure to include estimates and documentation.

In the next paragraph(s), be very specific (but reasonable) about what you want and when you want it. If you want a full cash refund and additional money for damages, say so. Don’t let the reader decide what you should receive. Close your letter or email in a brief but positive way.

Document your letter or email with a list of receipts, warranties, estimates, photographs, or other evidence to support your claim. You do not need to provide such materials for this assignment; only list them on the enclosure line. You also want to refer to the evidence in the letter or email itself.

You can find an example in the presentation accompanying Chapter 7, posted under Reading Assignments.

Assignment – Important Issues

Important issues:

Be sure to submit the audience analysis.

If creating a letter, use letter format correctly. If it is an email, imitate email formatting.

Avoid sexist (“Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam”) or nondirective (“To Whom It May Concern”) salutations.

Keep your writing style simple.

Avoid rudeness, sarcasm, flattery, or threats. Avoid praise of the company or flattery to your reader.

Provide all specifics about the case.

Proofread to correct all errors.

Sign your letter. (For online courses, you will not be required to do so).

Learning Outcomes

After completing this assignment, you should be able to use facts to persuade your reader to give you what you want.

Evaluation Criteria

Your submission will be graded as follows:

Audience Analysis (15 points)

Letter or email (85 points):

Formatting – the letter or email format is used correctly (see slide 4)(15 points)

Language – the communication uses appropriate language, avoiding sexism, sarcasm, flattery, or threats (15 possible points)

Writing Style – the writer uses simple writing style and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation (15 possible points)

Content – the claim is based on facts and well supported with specifics (40 possible points)

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