Question 1068
Question Answered step-by-step DescriptionConsider the revised demand for nurses for the emergency… DescriptionConsider the revised demand for nurses for the emergency room below:Sun: 3Mon: 6Tue: 5Wed: 6Thu: 6Fri: 6Sat 5use the attached excel sheet, revise the demand and optimize with a solver. (you might have to add the add-in solver if it is not visible on the right end of the “Data” menu.1. Do you have to hire more nurses than before?2. How many excess nurse days do you get now? Image transcription textDemand for nurses Su Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 6 5 6 5 5 5 Minimize 8 Tours Number of tours/nurses x1Tue-Sat 2 x2 Wed-Sun O x3 Thu-Mon 1 x4 Fri-Tue 0 x5 Sat-Wed 2 x6 Sun-Thu x7 Mon-Fri 2 ConstraintsNurses Demand Excess Su x2+x3+x4+x5+x6 4 >= 3 Mon x3+x4+x5+x6+x7 6 >= 6 Tue x4+x… Show more… Show more Health Science Science Nursing MANAGEMENT 110089 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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