Question 153

Question Answered step-by-step A school-age child presents two weeks following a camping trip… A school-age child presents two weeks following a camping trip during which he sustained multiple tick bites. He complains of headache and fever of fourdays duration. He has a macular, erythematous rash that began thismorning on his wrists, forearms, ankles, and palms.1.   What other information would you like to obtain in regards to the current situation? Please include relevant portions of HPI, ROS, PMH, SH, FH and PE.  What (if any) diagnostic tests would you order? What is your rationale forordering the specific diagnostic studies? 2. What is your primary diagnosis? What other differential diagnoses shouldbe considered? Please provide a minimum of two differential diagnoses.  3. Explain why your diagnosis and differential diagnoses were chosen. List inclusion and exclusion criteria for each diagnosis. Provide rationale thatincludes standards of care and evidenced based research which supportsyour answers. Include information about epidemiology, etiology (includingcausative agents), and pathophysiology. 4. What is your treatment plan for your chosen diagnosis including: medicalmanagement, caregiver education related to the diagnosis, prognosis, planof care including any follow up and need for referrals and consideration forpatient/caregiver psychosocial concerns including socioeconomic status.  References Health Science Science Nursing NURS N771 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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