Question 3493
Question OBJECTIVE SYNOPSIS: QUESTION:This assignment is to evaluate learners’ analytical skills in examining the implementation of specific domains of perioperative nursing to achieve desired patient outcomes.Perioperative nursing is patient oriented. Hence, perioperative nurses must use knowledge, judgement, and skill based on the principles of biological, physiological, behavioral, social, and nursing sciences to plan and implement care to achieve desired patient outcomes (AORN, 2007). The perioperative nursing provide for the surgical patients throughout the continuum of care was identified in four specific domains (AORN), involving patient safety, physiologic response, behavioural responses, and the health system.Discuss the four specific domains of perioperative nursing provided to the surgical patients which involved patient safety, physiologic response, behavioural responses, and the health system to exemplify the continuum of care in achieving desired patient outcomes.1.Introduction 1.5The introduction on the topic of discussion is excellent; ideas to be discussed are very clear and well organized. The intent of the work is explicitly explained.Well developed introduction 2. Introduction on perioperative nursing 2.5The introduction on perioperative nursingis significant and thoroughly explored. Broadly includes relevant and specific facts and evidences.3.Discussion on the four specific domains of perioperative nursing provided to the surgical patients: (patient safety, physiologic response, behavioural responses, and the health system), to exemplify the continuum of care in achieving desired patient outcomeDemonstrates an inclusive, very focused and reliable discussion on the four specific domains of perioperative nursing provided to the surgical patients, and exemplifies the continuum of care in achieving desired patient outcomes; using a large extent of critical thinking skills. Supported with relevant examples. 4.ConclusionAn excellent conclusion which is concisely and precisely written. It provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas. Health Science Science Nursing Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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