Question 3718
Question Answered step-by-step 1. List the positions for the following tests:· Colposcopy:· Colonoscopy: · ECG:· Pregnant/w chest pain for ECG:· Pap smear:· Spirometry testing:2. Describe all of the medical positions:· Semi-Fowlers- Sitting at a 45 degree angle · Full Fowlers- Sitting at a 90 degree angle· Lithotomy- Laying on back with legs in stirrup’s · Trendelenburg-Lay flay on back with feet elevated ( AKA Shock position)· Prone-· Supine (recumbent)-· Sims-3. Blood pressure ranges:· Normal range for blood pressure;· Borderline high B/P:· Hypertension:4. What artery is utilized for blood pressure:5. Where to take blood pressure on a patient with mastectomy:· Rt mastectomy:· Lt mastectomy:· Bilateral mastectomy:6. Steps for MA to follow when B/P is abnormal: 7. Pulse ranges:· Normal pulse range for adult:· Pulse point Locations:· Carotid:· Brachial:· Radial:8. What artery is utilized for pulse:9. What artery is utilized in an emergency/CPR:10. Describe the anatomical areas for the following temperature readings:· Digital:· Temporal:· Tympanic:11. Sp02/Oximeter normal range:12. Steps the MA takes if Sp02 is abnormally low:13. Chambers of the heart Describe/function and location of the following:· Vena cava:· Aorta:· Lt ventricle:· Rt ventricle:· Lt atria:· Rt atria:· Bicuspid valve (mitral):· Tricuspid valve:14. Describe the following Visual Acuity Terms:· Ishihara:· Snellen Chart:· Directional E:15. Where should the patient stand when testing visual acuity using Snellen chart:16. Office triage: Number the following disorders from highest to lowest priority.· Vomiting:· Headache:· Hematuria:· Asthma attack:17. Office triage: Number the following disorders from highest to lowest priority.· Infant fever 103· Urinary tract infection· Blood in the stool· Abrasion· Chicken pox18. Phone Triage case scenarios. Describe MA responses for each: · Parent reports child fell from a tree:· Parent reports child has a fever, wants to give Tylenol:· Patient calls c/o chest pain and arm numbness:· Patient calls and states they believe they are having a heart attack:19. What belong on a sterile Mayo stand tray set up for: · Incision and drainage · Laceration repair · Cyst removal · Ingrown toenail 20. Instruments needed for suture removal: 21. Guidelines for suture removal: 22. Knee abrasion treatment for the MA: 23. When assisting with minor surgery, how should the MA hand instruments to the physician: 24. List types of non adhesive bandages used for patients with skin sensitivities: 25. List products in the medical office that could cause contact dermatitis: 26. Dog bite treatment protocol for the MA: 27. When to call the physician when the MA is performing Ear irrigation (lavage): 28. List MA responsibilities when a patient experiences syncope in the clinical setting. 29. List 5 job duties WITHIN the scope of the Medical Assistant: 30. List 5 job duties OUTSIDE the scope of a Medical Assistant: 31. What does the acronym RACE (related to fire) stand for:R:A:C:E:32. List various procedures requiring informed consent: 33. Describe the term Chief Complaint: 34. What would cause a low 02 level reading on a patient on oxygen therapy? 35. Describe the use of a nasal cannula:36. What is the best time for obtaining urine sample for pregnancy testing: 37. What hormone levels are detected: 38. How should urine be stored if testing is not performed within 1 hour: 39. Define the following categories on a positive urine dispstick:· Leukocytes:· Glucose:40. What is optimal time for sputum specimen collection: 41. List proper protocol for stool sample collection at home: 42. Where should ALL used needles be placed: Health Science Science Nursing NURSING 101 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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