Question 4184
Question Answered step-by-step Develop the plan of care- using the nursing care plan format in in vertical column- Assessment, Diagnosis, outcomes, interventions, Rationales and Evaluation Nursing Assessment Mr. C.J. is a 57-year-old businessman who was admitted to the surgical unit for treatment of a possible strangulated inguinal hernia. Two days ago he had a partial bowel resection. Postoperative orders include NPO, intravenous infusion of D5% 1/2 NS at 125 cc/hr left arm, nasogastric tube to low intermittent suction. Mr. C. is in a dorsal recumbent (supine) position and is attempting to draw up his legs. He appears restless and is complaining of abdominal pain (7 on a scale of 0-10). Physical Examination Height: 188 cm (6′ 3”) Weight: 90.0 kg (200 lb) Temperature: 37°C (98.6°F) Pulse: 90 BPM Respirations: 24/minute Blood pressure: 158/82 mm Hg Skin pale and moist, pupils dilated. Midline abdominal incision, sutures dry and intact. Diagnostic Data Chest x-ray and urinalysis negative WBC 12,000 Health Science Science Nursing NUR 221 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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