Question 4207
Question Answered step-by-step *Please review the following scenario and analyze and collect thefollowing information in preparation for your care plan. Collect the objective and subjective data, compose the nursing diagnosis with the information given to the best of your ability, write four interventions with rationales. You have arrived at hospital Medical surgical unit Report from day shift nurse: Situation: Mrs. Ramirez is a 72-year-old Hispanic female who was admitted to the medical unit yesterday afternoon diagnosis of pneumonia in her right lobe. Chest X-ray shows infiltrates in right lower lobe, indicative of pneumonia. She was started on antibiotics after a sputum specimen for Gram stain culture was obtained. We are monitoring her respiratory status closely. Past Medical History: High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, surgical history: tonsillectomy, appendectomy Social history: smokes one pack of cigarettes a week for the past 10 years. Vaccinations: Covid 19, flu, pneumonia Background: Mrs. Ramirez was experiencing symptoms of dry cough, fever, and malaise, and was diagnosed with influenza 10 days prior to admission. Her symptoms becoming progressively worse, and yesterday she had a temperature of 38.4 °C (101.2 °F). she states has been having chills and shaking, with a productive cough of rust-colored sputum. Her primary care provider saw her yesterday and decided to admit her for treatment of pneumonia. Assessment: Mrs. Ramirez is alert and oriented ×3, but appears tired. She reports sharp chest pain with coughing and shortness of breath with activity. She rated the pain as a 6 on a scale of 0-10 and was given acetaminophen 650 mg at 1400. Vitals signs were taken at 1200. Her temperature has been elevated since this morning and was 38.1 °C (100.6 °F). Pulse is 114/min, respirations 24/min, and blood pressure 112/72 mm Hg. Her saturation was 92% on nasal cannula with oxygen at 3 L/min. Her respirations were labored when she came back from the bathroom, but improved when she settled back in bed. Recommendation: You should make sure to maintain saturation levels above 94%. Mrs. Ramirez needs encouragement to cough and deep breathe, and to use incentive spirometry. She only uses her incentive spirometer after much encouragement. What education interventions should you do with Mrs. Ramirez for this diagnosis. Health Science Science Nursing NUR 1000C Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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