Question 898

Question WEEK 2 OVERVIEW- GENETIC HEALTH INFORMATION Introduction to Week 2… WEEK 2 OVERVIEW- GENETIC HEALTH INFORMATIONIntroduction to Week 2 Content:We live in the “genomic age” of health care. Increasingly, medical interventions and health behavior changes are recommended based on knowledge of personal genetic information. While genetic counseling is best handled by experts in the field, nurses gather family health information which can be helpful in identifying health risks and personal strengths. On the other hand, our genes are not determining. There is more to our health picture than our genetics. Furthermore, people react differently to how much information they want to know based on genetic information. We will be exploring the basics of incorporating genetic information into our health assessment by gathering family health information, and by reviewing the many variables that go into a person’s health.Required Reading:1. Edelman & Kudzma (2017):Chapter 5: Box 5-4 Nurses as Genetic Educators, Researchers, and Counselors p. 113; Confidentiality, The Privacy Rule, and Adolescents: Special Considerations of Confidentiality pgs. 121-123.Chapter 10: Health Behavior Change p. 229-230. Assignments for the week:View Ethics and genetics video.Review the National Human Genome Research Institute website.Review GINA informationMajor Assignment #1 – Construction and Analysis of Family Pedigree due. Post to the assignment link in the week 2 folder. 113Image transcription textBOX 5-4 GENOMICS Nurses as GeneticEducators, Researchers, and Counselors Nurseshave always been important advoca… Show more… Show morePage 121Image transcription textConfidentiality Autonomy is also theprinciple underlying confidentiality: Oneexpression of autonomy is… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textand others, such as clergy, is considered a privilege and as such is shielded fromexposure by the legal system. In health care, confidentiality does not carry asstrong a status as clergy- supplicant or lawyer-client privilege (Gra… Show more… Show morePage 122Image transcription textThe Privacy Rule The Privacy Rule (45 Codeof Federal Regulations Part 160, 164 subpartsA & E) was developed as a r… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”health plans, pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes andother covered entities (any provider that conducts or conveysinformation in electronic form, e.g., physicians, nurse pract… Show more… Show morePage 123Image transcription textAdolescents: Special Considerations ofConfidentiality Adolescents often present healthprofessionals with very tricky confid… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textadolescents, health promotion involves more than mereprotection. It involves facilitating the adolescent’s health. Thusthe respons sibilities include helping an adolescen… Show more… Show morePage 229Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of NursingNURS 335R: Health Assessment Strategies to Promote Wellness  Major Assignment #1: Construction and Analysis of a Family Pedigree Course Objectives:     #2 & #7Course Evaluation:     100 points (20% of course grade)Due Date:              Week 2      Preparation ·      Review the assignment grading rubric (at the end of this document) before beginning work on this assignment.·      Review assignment details (below) for guidelines/point allocations. ·      Contact your instructor if you have any questions.Requirements:·      Use your last name in the file title (Smith MA_1)·      Save your paper as a single Word document to your desktop and then upload it to the assignment link located in the week 3 folder.  ·      Appropriate formattingü Elements of APA format to focus on for Major Assignments are:12-point Times New Roman fontDouble line spacing, except for instances in which you can appropriately convey the information with bullet points (single space those)Title PagePage numbers, upper right corner Margins, 1 inch on all sides Headings, use appropriate levels In-text citations Reference pageü If your assignment requires interviewing an individual, this is considered personal communication and is listed as an in-text citation only. You will not include the personal communication on the reference page. Document the communication, in your paper, in question/answer format using numerals or bullet points.ü Refer to Purdue Online Writing Lab for specifics on required formatting: Content: “Pedigrees are a representation, or visual diagram, of family relationships used as a means to assess the level of risk an individual or family has for the development of a disease or disorder. Pedigrees account for genetic factors as well as environmental exposures and shared lifestyle practices. Symbols represent people while lines represent relationships. Understanding how to complete a family history, draw a pedigree, and complete a risk assessment are important components of patient-centered nursing care.” (Witt, Cusack, Greene, Minchew & Vargo, 2012, p. 2)Part A: Construct a family pedigree (25%)·      Using your own family, construct a 3-generation (including yourself) family pedigree. This includes you and your siblings, your parents and aunts/uncles, and your grandparents. If you do not have access to your biological family history, or do not want to use your own family, construct a family pedigree on a spouse, friend, or adopted family. This might be a good choice for you if you will not be able to get a lot of information on many of your own family members. You will most likely have to consult with others in your extended family to gather health history information. To protect confidentiality, identify individuals by using initials or relationship, not by name. o  Gathering information from family members is a great opportunity to practice gathering health history. Explore different ways to phrase and present questions. Consider how effective the questions you ask are at gathering the desired information. § Watch for double-barreled questions! Asking for multiple pieces of information at once can put the patient in a difficult position and may cause information to be left out. § Components of health history that are often forgotten: ·      Psychiatric disorders ·      Miscarriages o  Number o  Etiology (if known)·      Congenital defects ·      Infertility ·      Intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, autism, and developmental delay ·      Clarifying cause of death and age at death – if an individual is deceased, specify what caused their death. An individual may have a cancer diagnosis or history of heart disease, but still have passed away from an unrelated cause. ·      You may use an online pedigree tool of your choice to record your health pedigree information OR you may document your information in a table. There is a table provided for you at the end of this document (appendix A). ·      As you list your 3-generation family information, include age, cause of death if deceased, and any health conditions of the family member.  For family members who have no known health issues, please indicate by noting “healthy” (indicating that a member is healthy lets other members of the care team know that you have asked about this member and confirmed that they are alive and well). If you are absolutely unable to obtain data for a particular family member, please indicate by noting “unknown”. Part B:     Analyze the data in your pedigree and provide helpful teaching websites based on your analysis of each actual and/or potential health risk you identify. (40%)·      Write a 1-2 page summary, identifying the selected actual and/or potential health issues for yourself (if you have a long list of actual and/or potential health risks within your pedigree, you can select 2-3 of the most important to focus on). § When evaluating familial risk, it is helpful to consider the incidence and prevalence of the condition/disease as well as the average age of onset within the general population. For example, the majority of colon cancer is diagnosed after age 50. Additionally, colon cancer is the third most common cancer among men and women in the United States. Therefore, a 78-year-old family member recently diagnosed with colon cancer is far less concerning than a 37-year-old family member diagnosed with colon cancer. One individual diagnosed with colon cancer is far less concerning than individuals across multiple generations diagnosed with colon cancer. § If you identify any known genetic disorders within your family, “GeneReviews” is a great resource for learning about genetic diagnoses. Their summaries include information on how the diagnosis is made, clinical features, genetic etiology, available treatment/management, inheritance patterns, and more. ·      For each of the health risks, discuss important health promotion recommendations. Please be specific. For example, instead of simply stating “healthy diet”, explain the specific dietary recommendations for the condition you are discussing. Provide two websites or online references that could be used as health promotion education for each real or potential health risk identified in your pedigree. Your web links should link to a portion of the website which contains pertinent information rather than the main page of the website (live link). Provide a brief description of what the website contains and why you selected this reference for each of your health promotion selections. Part C:    Reflection on Family Health Pedigree Assignment (25%) ·      Reflect on what you learned about the relationship between genetics, using family health pedigree information, and ethics. Be specific, using examples whenever possible. Your reflection should include information answering 5 out of the 9 bullet points listed below: (Use a new paragraph for each bullet point)How are family pedigrees used in clinical practice? Can this information be helpful when planning and carrying out nursing care? How so?What are the risks and benefits of people disclosing family history information with health care providers?Identify ethical considerations in collecting family history information. Describe what you learned through this assignment. What are your current practice strengths in genetics and ethics? What are your growth areas? Reflect on your own professional development related to genetic assessment skills, including privacy and confidentiality. What stage of change, according to the Transtheoretical Model, are you in regarding the health issues you identified for yourself? You may be in different stages for different health concerns. Why or why not?Discuss the variables that are related to your willingness to change your own health behavior based on family history information?What is the difference between a genetic condition/disease being “de novo” vs. “inherited?” What pieces of family history could help you determine the likelihood that a condition/disease is de novo or inherited? Briefly describe the role of a genetic counselor. If you wanted to share your health history with a genetic counselor, or refer a patient to one, where in your area could you go to/refer to? Identify at least one hospital/facility you could utilize. This section is for your information only:Reference: Witt, D. E., Choudhury, R., Cusack, G., Greene, N. Lange-Otsuka, P., Minchew, L., Vargo, D. (2012). Application of a Family Pedigree for Nursing Practice: Lesson Plan and Grading Rubric. Available at website and National Human Genome Research Institute Summer workshop in Genomics short course website   Genetic/genomics nursing competencies addressed: 1.    Demonstrates ability to elicit a minimum of three-generation family health history information. 2.    Constructs a pedigree from collected family history information using standardized symbols and terminology. 3.    Perform basic analysis of family history findings for genetic and genomic influences 4.    Incorporates genetic and genomic technologies and information in nursing practice. 5.    Collects personal, health, and developmental histories that consider genetic, environmental, and genomic influences and risks. 6.    Critically analyzes the history and physical assessment findings for genetic, environmental, and genomic influences and risk factors. 7.    Assess self-competence, identifying areas of strength, as well as areas in which professional development related to genetics/genomics assessment skills would be beneficial.  (Consensus Panel on Genetic/Genomic Nursing Competencies, 2009). Image transcription textAppendix A: Pedigree Table Example Part A: Construction ofFamily Pedigree Age Medical Condition(s) (and whether or andcause of death not deceased) ( if applicable ) Mysel… Show more… Show moreRubrics…Image transcription textRubric for Evaluating Construction and Analysis of aFamily Pedigree Levels of Achievement Above MeetsNeed Criteria Outstanding expectations e… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLevels of Achievement CriteriaOutstanding Above Meets Needsexpectations expectation… Show more… Show more Health Science Science Nursing NURS 335 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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