Rasmussen College Compliance Plan Discussion

Module 01 Discussion – Healthcare Legislation


Healthcare issues turn into law in many ways. Usually, a new debate in healthcare surfaces and then the controversy leads to the formation of a law. But how exactly does this happen? Sometimes a health issue is supported by a lobby group. Some issues start as a means to correct problems in patient care. Some health laws are created from public advocacy.
Regardless, should these current approaches in place today be considered “best practice”? Defend your yes/no stance. Share your thoughts on how healthcare issues become law. Try to point to a specific example. Do you approve of this process? Evaluate how this plan can be improved, and support with specific examples. Please explain and then interact with another student’s views. (Submit 1page due date 8/14/21, 11:59)

Module 01 Content

  1. The first step of in completing your course project is to choose two compliance plans from the list of compliance violation areas below.
    • Clinical staff members are not washing their hands between patients.
    • Employee attacks patients while under the influences of narcotics.
    • Nurse charges for Diabetes Management Education as a Physician Visit.
    • Medical staff members are not aware that the application of an initial cast for a broken limb should be included in the cost of the visit. Instead, they are charging extra for the application of this initial cast.
    • Employees are not knowledgeable in the use of fire extinguishers.
    • Many employees are not able to fulfill the requirement to discuss the facilities Mission Statement and Vision Statement.
    • After you choose two areas (only two!), write a paragraph about each one to present to your faculty member. In each paragraph, explain why you believe the chosen area represents key issues in compliance and why you want to develop a compliance plan for this area.
      Remember, your faculty member must confirm your two compliance violation areas before you begin your research and writing. Most of you should be able to write about your preferred plan areas, but in some cases, to ensure that all areas are covered by class members, you may receive a different plan to write about. As soon as your selections are approved, begin your research on the Internet and at your college’s online library, which you can access through the Resources tab.

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