Reading and discuss
After reading Fences Act II, begin a discussion, by replying to this post’s “Discussion Questions for Consideration.” (Do not create/add a new thread). The first person to read my post should reply to it; then the next student who logs into the board to participate will also read my prompt, the first student’s, etc. Ideally, you should read some of the discussion thread that has been generated, then go back and reply to my post. Then, interject a separate, second reply to a peer anywhere in the thread.
Remember to follow online etiquette as outlined in our syllabus, do not use informal language, slang, or “texting” language—i.e. typing “i” for Ior “u” for you. You may include textual support (i.e. “direct quotes”) to support your points. Proofread your responses carefully.
Discussion Questions:
1. Discuss why Rose finally opens up once Troy confesses to his affair with Alberta
(and Alberta’s pregnancy). Discuss Rose’s decision to take care of Troy and Alberta’s baby (Scene III).
2. Scene IV: How has Rose changed in this scene in her activities and the way she responds to Troy? How has the relationship between Troy and Bono changed/evolved? What is the significance of Cory using his father’s baseball bat as a weapon against his father?
3. Why do you think Wilson decided to have Troy’s death occur “offstage?” Do you feel that Cory can forgive his father as he and Raynell connect in the final scene?
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