Research Paper # 1Due: __________ March 31, 2019______________________3-4 pagesThe writing and researching involved in this essay will give you a better sense of what research is and how and why it is

Research Paper # 1

Due: __________ March 31, 2019______________________

3-4 pages

The writing and researching involved in this essay will give you a better sense of what research is and how and why it is done. The assignment will orient you to the FNC libraries and their various resources, and help you gain a better understanding of different types of writing and publications.  

Paper #1:  Students can also choose a topic from the list of Research Topics provided by the instructor.

Audience: Students new to your major who have a curiosity or research interest in this particular topic but no prior specialized knowledge of the topic; your English 3311 teacher

Length: at least 2 4 pages, not counting references page

There are two basic tasks to fulfill in this paper:

–  to describe this topic or development as clearly and concisely as possible for the specified audience; in other words, to educate your audience about this topic as thoroughly as possible given the space constraints.

–  to make a compelling, specific, and explicitcase explaining obvious and not-so-obvious reasons this development is important to the world outside your major.

It may help you to think in terms of a little role-playing to imagine how this assignment might match real-world expectations: You are doing research or making something closely related to this topic. Your company, department, or division needs funds to begin 

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