Submitting a request for proposal (RFP) is usually a requirement for human services administrators who wish to pursue government grants. For example, the director of a homeless shelter might apply for a grant from the state government for supplies, such a


Submitting a request for proposal (RFP) is usually a requirement for  human services administrators who wish to pursue government grants. For  example, the director of a homeless shelter might apply for a grant from  the state government for supplies, such as cots for the shelter, to  expand the program. Completing an RFP can be a long process that  requires planning and collaboration. Before delving into the details of  the RFP, it is wise for administrators to develop a strategy and an  organized method for carrying out the steps of the process. Completing  the RFP can be a challenge for human service administrators.  Nevertheless, the effort is well worth receiving government grants for  human services programs that might otherwise go unfunded. 

Post the steps you would take to complete a request  for proposal. Include where you might go for information, who you might  talk to, and who you might enlist to assist with the process. 


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