The New Face of Project Managers

This assignment is part of a group project and all in all I am asking for you to complete one portion of the project. I will add the overall requirements of the project but only expect one section to be completed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Assignment instructions:

Construct a Project Management Plan for the adoption of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Search online for a breakdown of the types of AI’s in order to choose an AI of your choice. – THE TOPIC OF THE PROJECT IS VIRTUAL NURSE

The portion of the project that you are responsible for is- Planning

In the planning section this is what you must include in greater details

1. Project Description

2. identified 3 project outcomes

3. Purpose of the project management plan

4. Devise 6 project deliverables including timeline


Let me know if you need me to send you the SCOPE section that my team mate already completed.

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