this is assignment for Entrepreneurship .. I need just someone to answer this questions in part #2

1. Complete the following:

  • Read the Welcome Page Module
  • Module: What is Creativity?
  • Assignment: Introduction to Everyday Creativity: Creativity Assessment (Individual) (Start early- this will take time) 4 Part Assignments Part 1
  • Fill out your journaling in Project Be up to “When have I felt happiest in my life?” (this will take time so start early)

2. Create a 5-6 min video (Your Video) (Covering the following questions at a minimum) (Be CREATIVE with YOUR VIDEOS) (60pts)

  • What did you learn about creativity that you didn’t know? (cite references that provoked your learning)
  • What did you learn about your creative self? (cite references that provoked your learning)
  • How does creativity apply to your field, career, job, industry and why is it important? (cite references that provoked your learning)
  • What creative skills will you need for your future career? (cite references that provoked your learning)
  • How can you learn and develop that skill for your career after this class? analyze and explain what you would do going forward to attain that skill and what you differently based on your new knowledge from the class. (cite references that provoked your learning)




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