UCB Psychology Experiment Lab Report

Hi this is for social psychology upper division class, the idea of this experiment is to come up with a study that has to do with social psychology. You can come up with any study but it has to follow the instruction which the first part is to write the hypothesis that has two variables. The paper needs an abstract in one page which is 200 words , then starting from the introduction to the discussion will take three double spaced pages. When you write the title page and everything follow the APA format mentioned in the instructions. I’ll attach the rubric for it if that is helpful. Note the professor said not to use the sample number being small as a limitation.

PSYC 2606 Experiment Assignment

Part 1, Experiment Report

Purpose of the Assignment: Gain experience testing a hypothesis in social psychology and reporting the results in APA style. Part 1 of this assignment is to conduct and write up an experiment.

Assignment Overview: You will come up with a study that has to do with social psychology. Then you will come up with a method to test your hypothesis. You will then report on your experience by writing the results in APA style. You should spend no more than about 5 hours on this assignment


1.Develop a hypothesis.

This hypothesis should be in the domain of social psychology. The hypothesis should predict how one variable (the Independent Variable) causes a change in a second variable (the Dependent Variable).

*For example: wearing glasses (IV) makes you smarter (DV- can be measured using test scores)

*Another possible example: your gender (IV) makes it more likely that strangers will talk to you (DV)

2.Carry out a study that tests the hypothesis.

This study does not need to be perfect. Your method must be ethical.

3.Write up your results in the correct APA style. Your paper should include:

a.A Title Page

b.An abstract page


i. Background about your hypothesis. Write approximately 1 paragraph about the variables in the hypothesis.

ii.Statement of hypothesis


i.Sampling method

Ii. Operationalizations of the Independent and Dependent Variable Results



i.What the results mean for the hypothesis

ii.Limitations of the study

For information on how to write a APA paper, you may use OWL at Purdue. For more general information about how to write an APA paper, visit the following:


The following are specific areas students will likely struggle with and are probably most important to learn:


Thank You!!!

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