Using different sets of data than last week, create a new small database in Access similar to the one that I went over in the webinar. Your Access Database must meet the following requirements at a mi

Using different sets of data than last week, create a new small database in Access similar to the one that I went over in the webinar.

Your Access Database must meet the following requirements at a minimum:

  • You must create 3xseparate tables relating to a dataset of your choice.
  • For each table, you must include 6x different columns each with at least 4x different data types total.
  • Each of the 5x column headers must be properly labeled in CamelCase (Remember names should be formatted with ‘NoSpaces’, ‘No-Spaces’, or ‘No_Spaces’).
  • Each table must include at least 8x records of data relating to a dataset of your choice.
  • Submit the completed ‘.accdb’ file here so I may review your work.

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