Week 10 assignment


I have an assignment below.  I will make my own video I just need the information that i will speak.  Please follow the rubic.




Assignment 3: Proposal Video Presentation
Due Week 10 and worth 250 points

Using the same scenario from Assignment 1, Supporting Documents, and Assignment 2, you have completed your proposal and are ready to present the information to the CEO and the organization’s decision-makers. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a five to ten (5-10) minute video in which you present the findings and recommendations of your full proposal.

Note: If you are using a tablet or smartphone, you will need to email the video file to yourself, then save it to a computer in order to upload to Blackboard. You may want to upload your video to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox, if your email will not let you send a large video file. Dropbox is accessible from all smartphones and tablets from the Dropbox app.

Once you are ready to upload your video to Blackboard, view the Kaltura video tutorial located here .
Please use the following naming convention in the popup window for your video once it is finished uploading:


Title:  Your First Name, Your Last Name – Proposal Video Presentation
Tags: HRM562, Proposal
Description: First Name, Last Name – HRM562 Assignment 3 (Date Uploaded ex. 10-27-2014)


Note:  Check with your professor for any additional instructions. If you do not have access to a video camera or necessary hardware to complete this assignment, please contact your professor.

Tips to prepare for your video:


Create note cards

Practice in front of a mirror and / or friends

Review materials thoroughly

Be persuasive

Be professional

Be creative Have fun!

Create a five to ten (5-10) minute video presentation in which you:


1.      Present the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Include details on criteria one through nine (1-9) from Assignment 2.


2.      Project your voice in order to clearly convey your ideas.


3.      Present in a professional manner.


4.      Use technology (e.g., audio quality, video quality, naming conventions) to convey ideas.


5.      Use voice inflection and proper grammar.


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


Examine the processes of how organizations learn and organizational barriers that impact the process.

Examine the concepts of personal mastery and mental models and their related importance in a learning organization.

Examine the driving forces related to organizational learning.

Analyze the key components of a learning organization and the role of a chief learning officer.

Evaluate strategies for creating a learning organization.

Evaluate management behaviors that influence organizational learning.

Analyze the shifts in organizational structure and processes to create a learning organization.

Examine talent management as an essential element of the learning organization.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in developing a learning organization. Write clearly and concisely about developing a learning organization using proper writing mechanic.


Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.


Points: 250

Assignment 3: Proposal Video Presentation

Criteria Unacceptable

Below 70% F Fair

70-79% C Proficient

80-89% B Exemplary

90-100% A 1. Present the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Include details on criteria one through nine (1-9) from Assignment 2.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely presented the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Did not submit or incompletely included details on criteria one through nine (1-9) from Assignment 2.

Partially presented the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Partially included details on criteria one through nine (1-9) from Assignment 2.

Satisfactorily presented the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Satisfactorily included details on criteria one through nine (1-9) from Assignment 2.

Thoroughly presented the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Thoroughly included details on criteria one through nine (1-9) from Assignment 2. 2. Project your voice in order to clearly convey your ideas.

Weight: 25%

Great difficulty communicating ideas. Poor voice projection. Little preparation or incomplete work.

Some difficulty communicating ideas, due to voice projection, lack of preparation, or incomplete work

Communicates ideas with proper voice projection. Adequate preparation and delivery.

Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, proper voice projection, appropriate language, and clear delivery. 3.  Present in a professional manner.

Weight: 20%

The presentation was not delivered in a professional manner. Numerous gaps were found in the presentation.

The presentation was delivered but not professional. Many gaps in the flow of the presentation.

The presentation was delivered in a professional manner. Very few gaps in the flow of the presentation.

The presentation was delivered and was very professional. No gaps in the flow of the presentation. 4. Use technology (e.g., audio quality, video quality, naming conventions) to convey ideas.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely used technology effectively. Audio, video, and naming conventions were missing.

Partially used technology somewhat effectively. Audio, video, and naming conventions were partially covered.

Satisfactorily used technology effectively. Audio, video, and naming conventions were acceptably covered.

Thoroughly used technology very effectively. Audio, video, and naming conventions were perfect. 5. Use voice inflection and proper grammar

Weight: 15%

Grammar, voice inflection includes more than 5 grammatical errors, mispronunciation errors, etc.

Grammar, voice inflection includes 3-4 grammatical errors, mispronunciation errors, etc.

Grammar, voice inflection includes 2-3 grammatical errors, mispronunciation errors, etc.

Grammar, voice inflection perfect. No errors in the text or audio of presentation.






Week 1 Assignment




Diversity is one of the problems that affect most of the organizations. Modern organizations encounter difficult moments when trying to meet the greater diversity among the employees, hiring workers from different races, creeds, genders and ages to make various ranks within an organization. Diversity influences an organization into challenges and obstacles to overcome. Any organization that can manage a diverse workplace has a solid advantage over other companies that are unable to embrace diversity in the most efficient way. This discussion focusses on diversity as the primary issue that is affecting most business organizations.




Major organizations are facing the problem of coping with diversity and in our organization, it is no different than the others. Several factors great contribution towards the prevalence of diversity in this organization. One of the most important factor causing diversity in the modern workplace of our organization is the rate of the increase in the population of the United States (Khan, 2015). Increased population in the United States facilitates the acquisition of workers from different ethnic groups within the country. However, our firm is encountering a problem of meeting the demands of all the workers. These workers have different ideologies implanted in their cultures that bring many difficulties whenever the organization tries to implement its business strategies.




  The firm’s organizational culture aims at determining the way its employees respond to the challenge of diversity that they may encounter in the workplace. The human resource management of the organization depends on the support of the organizational culture of the firm (Sharan, 2008). However, the structure of this organization aims at meeting the competitive advantage of this company. Meeting the competitive advantage of this company entails implementation of strategies that helps in the provision of the requirements of diverse workers within the organization.




  The concept of mystification is a common characteristic of the firm’s organizational structure.  The structure of this organization assumes that all the employees have similar preferences in the accomplishment of the Company’s activities. This company provides similar opportunities to all the employees (Lipshitz, 2007). It adopts a structure that generalizes the requirements of the customers without meeting personal differences that may exist among the employees. Also, the management of the Company provides a vision and mission statements that outline what the company requires its employee to do instead of describing the activities that the company must do. The company tends to violate the ethical considerations of most of the employees by adopting a rigid organizational structure that does not vary with the differences that exist among the employees.




The existing Organizational Learning Mechanism of the Company allows the company to gather, examine, store, circulate and use information relevant to the customers of the organization. The company makes daily reports on the performance of the employees as well as their attendance to facilitate efficiency in the working process. This organization applies an effective control mechanism that enables the company to examine the positive and the negative reactions of all other mechanisms that this organization uses in meeting the market demands of its customers (Jennex, 2008). The online Organizational Learning Mechanism is one significant strategy adopted by this organization. The company utilizes this mechanism by encouraging its workers to work as a team.  Working as a team helps in improving work efficiency from the employees. This strategy helps the company to solve the problem of diversity. It helps the company to make compensation for the differences that exist in the work performance that emanates from the problem of diversity.




Internal Organizational Learning Mechanism by an organization is an alternative method for replacing the above method that hinders this organization from attaining individual learning. Internal learning mechanism entails utilization of internal resources and structures to meet the organizational demands as well as promoting unity among the employees. This method best suits in solving the identified issue of diversity that is affecting the day to day operations of the Company.




The norms of the organizational structure of this firm entails working as a team. It requires similar values and norms that influence behavior. In the implementation of this organization culture, the management encounters challenges that hinder productive learning. Some of the reasons behind the company’s inability to achieve productive learning are the adoption of transparency and integrity in education (Boud, 2006). The productivity of an organization depends on its ability to solve the problem of diversity and promote a team spirit that enhances productive learning. 




The level of transparency that takes place in this organization is ultimately inadequate. Lack of transparency denies the acquisition of the most valuable information concerning the employees that will help in promoting diversity. Therefore, it is advisable for this organization to develop an effective strategy that enhances productive learning. Integrity poses similar difficulties whenever an organization tries to facilitate productive learning. An integrity-based approach to ethics management embraces for the managerial responsibility of ethical behavior. This method seeks to define the guiding values of the company, its aspirations as well as the patterns of conduct and behavior. Failure of a company to identify its core values translates to low productive learning. Therefore, the firm ought to apply the most appropriate strategy for solving the problem of diversity and promote productive learning of its employees.












David Boud, P. C. (2006). Productive reflection at work : learning for changing organizations. New York: Routledge Publishers.




Jennex, M. E. (2008). Current issues in knowledge management. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.




Khan, M. A. (2015). Diverse contemporary issues facing business management education. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.




Lipshitz K. Raanan, M. P. (2007). Demystifying organizational learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.




Sharan, I. T.-c. (2008). Organizing schools for productive learning. New York: Springer Publishers.


More supporting Documents


interoffice memorandum

 to: The Chief Executive Officer from:

THE VICE PRESIDENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES subject: Organizational Learning Issues date: April 19, 2016 cc: BOARD OF GOVERNERS    




Upon the research on the above subject, it is right to say that most of the employees in this organization serve as a victim of organizational learning issues. The most prevalent issues affecting the employees of this organization is the challenges with defining the goals of the organization and the problem of acquiring incentives that motivate the employees towards the achievement of these goals.


Even though the management of this organization has an interest in disseminating the knowledge, they encounter the challenge of measuring the success of the knowledge acquisition. Inability to achieve specific goals makes it impossible for an organization management to measure the progress and allocate the best knowledgeable resources to obtain the solution of this problem. In addition, this organization is suffering a challenge of motivation to its employees. Lack of incentives tends to reduce the morale of attaining and retaining the knowledge actively. Occasions where these challenges manifest themselves is where the employees decide to protest over a pay hike. It shows a lack of motion by this organization.


Internal Organizational Learning Mechanism is the most suitable method for this organization to achieve a transition on the problem. The solution to these two problems involves the accurate definition of the organizational goals by making them simple and clear for the employees to understand them. Provision of incentives such as pay hike and promotion is another significant way of solving the problem with motivation. Definition of the organizational goals and motivation of the employees provides a reliable method of ensuring the employees identifies the goals. In addition, motivation provides high work outcomes from the employees.


More supporting Documents


Resistance Issues

Resistance Issue Description

Resistance Risk Before (H) or (M)

Mitigation Intervention

Resistance Risk After (M) or (L)

Mitigation Intervention Rationale

Culture The organizational technique of socialization is an important organization structure that relates to the free flow of knowledge. Failure of an organization to adopt a reliable organizational socialization structure causes a lot of problems during the implementation of various activities that enhance achieving the set goals of the company. Socialization refers to the process by which an individual can acquire different attitudes, behaviors and ideas that enable a person to participate successfully as a member of the society. The implementation of this process by an organization takes an extended period such that it can influence the implementation of a transition process-taking place within an organization. An effective socialization process by a group entails three important phases. It involves anticipating the socialization process, encountering the process and implementing the adopted process.








High Implementation of an effective organization structure is the most decisive intervention that helps an organization to cope with resistance to transition. The implementation of an effective organizational socialization structure entails the adoption of the three important stages of socialization as outlined in the above discussion.


Moderate The rationale for implementing positive organization socialization should involve the implementation of an effective program that enables all the employees of the organization to participate in activities that promotion organizational socialization. The program refers to the training process that allows the employees to meet the socialization requirements of the organization. A training program should include the employees with certain techniques that facilitate effective socialization and management of the human resources owned by the organization.


Psychological Learning Threat  

Disruption is an important psychological learning threat that may result from the implementation of a transition process that may turn an organization into a learning environment. One can define disruption as a psychological process because it triggers negative stakeholders’ reaction and influences the organization’s financial strength and ability to perform their responsibility. Disruption causes alteration to the normal social structures in the embedment of the knowledge towards the implementation of various activities that takes places in the organization. The impact of disruption towards the development of the transitioning process is noticeable. It stimulates disruptive events that affect organizational productivity and performance such as employee turnover, technological innovation, reorganization and other extreme events. Moreover, disruption affects individual knowledge and collective knowledge. It causes a delay in the implementation of activities that enhance productivity.






Moderate Mitigation of disruption in an organization reduces incidences of unplanned events, unclear or incomplete specifications and changes in the scope of business development. Preparation for disruptions is the most important intervention that mitigates this challenge that affects business implementation in organizations. This intervention involves the adoption of various activities that helps in the mitigation of the whole process.


Moderate The rationale for implementing the intervention process for mitigating disruption entails multiple of activities. These activities that solve this psychological problem involves;

i. Understanding the scope of the problem

ii.    Defining the real consequences of the deviation or the transition process

iii.    Analyzing the critical path for eliminating the disruption

iv. Establishing the factors that trigger the risks in a system


Organizational Structure Diversity is one of the primary challenges in the culture that may cause a significant resistance to the transition from individual learning to organizational learning. It imposes an adverse environment to an organization that creates a lot of limitations in the implementation of activities that enhance transitioning from individual learning to organizational learning. Diversity prompts modification of policies and operational procedures in the organization.  The primary problem caused by the diversity that inhibits the level of transitioning that may occur in organizations is wastage of time and resources. The organization utilizes a lot of time when solving problems related to diversity instead of concentrating on other progressive activities like setting up achievable goals and objectives of the organization. Moreover, diversity leads to conflicts that cause mental concerns to the organization, decrease in the level of productivity, issues of violence and reduced work efficiency. Moreover, diversity makes employees remain reluctant to the fact that the social and cultural makeup of their workplace should undergo changes.






High Mitigating diversity in an organization is an activity that requires significant intervention. Implementation of the diversity development plan is the most critical intervention that helps in the mitigation of this problem.


Low The rationale for implementing diversity management plan involves a couple of processes. This program includes four key processes as outlined below:

i.    Assessment of diversity in the workplace

ii.    Development of diversity in the workplace plan

iii.    Implementation of the diversity management plan


Workforce Commitment Redeployment is a workforce commitment by an organization in the implementation of this transition. This activity entails the adoption of a structured and a systematic approach that encourages and facilitates the retention of people with different talents and high level of performance. It enables the organization to manage all the activities that support the action of transitioning.

  The implementation of redeployment is an activity that encounters several challenges.  The resistance that an organization may encounter when implementing redeployment includes altered expectations. All the organizations adopt this action with an aim of acquiring positive results to the organization. On the contrary, organizations tend to experience negative effects after taking this action of redeployment. Failure of an organization to make positive expectations act as a challenge to many companies.


Moderate The intervention for this resistance should involve making significant for whatever results that an organization may encounter through redeployment. It remains the initiative of the management team of the organization to make an estimated guess of the estimated effects of implementing a particular activity and making agreements achievable agreements.


Low The rationale of application of this intervention involves dropping expectations that may alter the achievement of positive results to the company. Moreover, the employee should spend extra time in the implementation of activities that promote the achievement of positive results.



Dissemination of Knowledge

Knowledge Dissemination among the employees is a business that encounters several challenges. The absence of tangible rewards and benefits to the employees is one of the key problems/issues that affect the dissemination of knowledge by the employees within an organization. Individual awards act as an incentive that motivates the employees towards the acquisition of various ideas concerning the development of the team. Availability of rewards enables the employees to participate in research and development that enhance the expansion of different sectors of the organization. Therefore, lack of individual rewards teaches the body to delayed levels of the knowledge dissemination. The employees exhibit little efforts to acquire and share new knowledge among them.

Moderate The most significant intervention for this issue related to the dissemination of knowledge within the company. Provision of rewards should involve not only tangibles objectives but also intangible rewards. Some of the real rewards include an increase in wages while intangible rewards require a promotion.


Moderate The rationale for providing rewards to the employees implies the application of various methods the level of performance among the employees to know the employee that requires employment. Promotion is the most appropriate strategy for rewarding employees. It provides an external motivation to the employees and entices them to take part in knowledge dissemination.



































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