HRMN 300
Week 5 Discussions & Learning Activities
We continue this week to reflect on what I refer to as HR-specific topics which require an HRM develop very specific skills. Very much like employee recruiting, employment law, and developing robust compensation packages, designing employee training and development programs are the focus of courses, seminars, HR certificates, and much research. These topics are stand-alone entities and they require very specific skills of an HRM. This week we’ll be looking at the training and development (T&D) function and have the opportunity to review a training proposal. (UMUC offers HRMN 406: Employee Training and Development.)
To respond to this week’s questions you want to develop your ideas in response to either Question 1 or Question 2. But everyone must respond to Question 3.
As usual, begin a new thread for each Discussion response to separate them. Remember to edit the Subject/title field and identify the response. Be sure to develop your responses fully and post by Thursday midnight.
Question 1: Defining training and understanding its strategic purpose
At first glance, Week 5 content spans two seemingly disparate functions – developing training and assessing employee performance. The processes are defined and presented sequentially in your text. In reality, the functions are more closely related than they seem in the sense that assessing performance could identify a need for training, couldn’t it? Let’s talk!
What I would like you to do for this first conference is to think about training. What exactly is training? Please don’t parrot-back the text definition!!!
Include in your discussion and explanation, your ideas about WHY you think corporations spend billions of dollars every year to provide training for their employees. And last, in your “definition” discussion include your ideas about how training supports an organization’s strategic goals and objectives. What does training do for an organization? Are there really any benefits? Why or why not……?
Question 2: The Instructional Design Process
Your book refers to the Training Program Development Model and provides a really nice graphic of the flow presented in Figure 8.6 on page 19. For years, I’ve known this process as the Instructional Design Process. Whatever the title, the process flow is standard.
To respond to this topic, I would like you to discuss and describe in detail the instructional design process or as our book refers to it, the Program Development Model. Demonstrate your understanding of the process. What are the major components? Why do trainers follow this process flow? What are characteristics and/or consideration of each of component? Do you think one stage is any more important than another? Be sure to explain your answer and include citations from your research to support your ideas.
Question 3: Critique this Training Proposal (Everyone responds)
Now that we have discussed the stages of training design including the needs assessment, the design and the evaluation steps, I am asking you to apply your knowledge and understanding. Review the following proposed training design and then develop a critique of its effectiveness and make your recommendations for improvement. Let’s do it!
Your analysis might be guided by the following questions: What do you think is done well in the design and what suggestions do you have for improving the training? Why? Do you think the design met the stated training outcomes and is the evaluation as designed substantial enough? Are the evaluation goals Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time Bound? Imagine yourself as an attendee at the training. How effective would this session be for you?
Your specific program analysis might include determining if the right intended audience is included in the training, if their possible learning styles have been taken into consideration, and if the goals and objectives of the program are clear and appropriate. Is the delivery of the program effective? Is the assessment of the training sufficient?
As an aside and a suggestion:
You might want to conduct supplemental research on Learning Styles and Learning Style Preferences and include a review of the proposed training as it meets/does not meet the learning style preferences of the attendees. As we design our training content we need to include activities that entice the various learning styles of our training audience.
There are five recognized learning styles but we usually focus on just three: VISUAL, AUDITORY, and KINESTHETIC. Visual learners process information best by reading the material. Auditory learners prefer to hear their information. Kinesthetic learners like “hands-on” reinforcement of the course ideas. Know that we cannot meet all of the preferences, all of the time. Our goal as content developers is to recognize the varying preferences and attempt to design specific exercises to meet each – when possible. When you take HRMN 406, you will focus on this concept in more depth. But if you’re interested, research the topic Learning Style Preferences and enjoy!
Training Program: Safe Driving for Schools
Audience: 50 School bus drivers
Duration: 2 hours
Desired Outcomes:
– understand the potential dangers, risks, and statistics associated with a variety of road safety issues
– avoid behaviors that may put students in danger while on the school bus
– Flip chart
– Internet access
Delivery: In a lecture, explain to trainees that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among Americans up to 34 years old. Factors such as alcohol, high-speed driving and other dangerous behaviors contribute to these crashes. Most accidents could be avoided by following common safety practices. On a flipchart, draw two columns for the “dos and don’ts” of driving. Ask trainees to brainstorm about items for both lists. Divide students into five groups, and assign one of the following topics to each group to research on the Internet and then present to the class:
– Impaired driving (DUI/DWI)
– Seat belts
– Speeding
– Distracted driving (such as driving while eating or talking on a cell phone or texting)
– Drowsy driving
– Lack of knowledge, skills or abilities
– Equipment failures
Learning and Skill Evaluation: Trainees will take a multiple choice question exam with 20 questions. They must get at least 17 correct in order to pass the Safe Driving for Schools course.
Assignment 2: Selection Strategy and Weighted Compensatory Approach
You are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. You need to recommend to the bank what to consider when hiring for the position of Bank Teller. At this point you have completed Assignment 1 to support the bank in the way it hires Bank Tellers. Now you are moving to Assignment 2.
For this second assignment there are two main tasks you need to complete: Assignment 2: Part A Selection Strategy Assignment 2: Part B Weighted Compensatory Approach
Both tasks should be included in one document 2 to 5 pages in length, double spaced, use Times New Roman font (12 point), use tables when needed, and use APA format for referencing and citing. Include a cover page and a reference page. For the complete instructions see Content> Course Resources> Three Major Assignments.
Week 5 Disscussion
Discussion #1
Explain why unions often place a priority on seniority in personnel decisions, whereas employers tend to emphasize ability to perform the job.
Based on your own experience with work-performance appraisals conducted by managers, how confident are you that managers can effectively judge legitimate differences in performance between two or more employees?
Please use a minimum of at least one source to support your post.
Please interact with at least one classmate.
Discussion #2
Using an organization where you work or have worked in the past, assume the role of a union negotiator or a management negotiator. What work schedule(s) would you propose in the new contract that would best serve the needs of the company or your union members, as appropriate?
Use one reference to support your response. You do not need to interact with another student.
Written Assignment 2
Written Assignment 2
(25 points) 3-4 pages, not including cover or References pages
You have been hired by XYZ as a consultant. They are currently facing a union organizing campaign. You have been asked to write a briefing memo for senior management. Your memo must address:
a. What are the basic differences, from the employer’s viewpoint, in operating in a union-free environment vs. a unionized environment?
b. What are management representatives permitted to say and do during the campaign? What, if any, actions or statements are prohibited?
In responding, you must use three references. They should be from a scholarly journal or credible news source from within the past three years.
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